Agents on macOS Systems

This section of the Privilege Manager documentation covers information and step procedures pertaining to Privilege Manager agents installed on macOS.

The following topics are available:

Processes Run by Agents

All these executables can be found within the Privilege bundle in the /Applications folder.

Privilege Manager, as a "launch agent," runs under the user account when you log in; it handles displaying notifications, advanced message windows, and the menu bar icon (if enabled).

The other processes all run as root, which is necessary for them to perform their tasks. The com.delinea.acsd and pmcored processes will be launched by the system on startup; the other daemons are launched "on demand," as required.

  • Background application or "agent" (macOS term)

    • Privilege Manager

  • System extension (runs in background)

    • com.delinea.acsd

  • primary "launch daemon" (background process)

    • pmcored

  • Other launch daemons

    • pmeventprocessord

    • pmeventuploaderd

    • pmfileinventoryd

    • pmlocalsecurityd