Modify Update Agent Commands (macOS) Policy

Agents receive new policies on a schedule which can be modified. By default this schedule runs daily at 8 pm.

To create a modified schedule, you have to duplicate the default Scheduled Job and customize the duplicate:

  1. Under your macOS computer group, select Scheduled Jobs.

  2. Search for and select Update Agent Commands (macOS).

  3. Click Duplicate.

  4. Enter a name for this duplicated task that reflects its purpose. For example, if it is supposed to run hourly, reflect it in the name.

  5. Click Create.


  6. Under the Job Schedule section,

    1. Click on the x to remove the Daily at 8:00:00 PM ... schedule.

    2. Click Add Trigger.


    3. For the Begin drop-down, keep the On a schedule selection.

    4. Maintain the Once selection at the Frequency drop-down.

    5. Click Advanced.

    6. Make the changes to run the task hourly and specify for how long. For this example we selected to run this task hourly for 52 weeks with an expiration date of one year from the starting date. Setting an expiration date is not required.


    7. Click Save.

  7. Click Save Changes.

    changed job schedule