macOS Agent Configuration

Under each macOS Computer Group, administrators can specify global application control agent settings for the specific Computer Group.

  • Details: This section contains the policy details such as name, description, and platform information.

  • Show Menu Bar Icon: This setting enables a Delinea icon in the menu bar. Clicking the icon presents a menu that allows the user to open the Agent Utility. (If the icon is not visible in the menu bar, the Agent Utility can be opened by double-clicking the Privilege Manager application icon in the Applications folder.) Refer to macOS Agent Utility.

  • Intervals: This section provides a configuration option to customize the intervals at which the agent will send application action events or how often a macOS Agent will callback to the server to see if any tasks have been requested of it.

    • Defaults:
      • Send Application Action Events: 5 Minutes
      • Task Polling Interval: 1 Minute
  • Application Action Defaults: This section provides the option to set the quarantine path.

    • Defaults:
      • Quarantine Path: /usr/local/delinea/quarantine/
  • Secure Token (macOS): This section provides an option to specify a macOS admin account that is Secure Token enabled. This account must exist on all LSS managed macOS endpoints.