Using the Public Preview Program

You can now choose to opt in to the Public Preview program to experience and explore new platform enhancements and provide feedback before their official General Availability (GA) release.

Opt In

By default, you are not opted in. To participate in the Public Preview program, follow these steps:

Prerequisite:  Required permissions: delinea.platform/administration/tenantprofile/update

  1. From the left navigation, select Settings, then select Tenant customization.

  2. Click Preview Preferences.

  3. Review the information and disclosures about the Public Preview program.

  4. Select the Opt-in checkbox in the bottom left corner.

  5. Click Save.

It may take up to five minutes for these preview features to become visible and accessible in your Delinea Platform tenant.

Opt Out

You can choose to stop participating in the public preview at any time by simply de-selecting the Opt-in checkbox described in Opt In.

It may take up to five minutes to deactivate any public preview feature in your Delinea Platform tenant.


The feedback you provide during the preview period is crucial input for further feature refinement and enhancing overall usability. To submit feedback, use the feedback button near the top right corner of every platform page.

Public Preview Features

The features currently available in Public Preview are listed in the following table. This list is subject to frequent updates.

Feature Description Documentation
Combined Discovery Delinea ITP/PCCE customers can view both Secret Server (Vault) and Threat Protection (ITP) sources, run scans, and select which type of source to create from a single place. Users with only vault will be able to preview what ITP sources are available with links directly to Marketplace. Combined Discovery
Automatically Generated IWA Certificates When using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) to authenticate Active Directory users, you can have Delinea Platform generate the required IWA host certificate for you, instead of importing an external certificate or generating your own. Using an Automatically Generated Delinea Connector IWA Host Certificate
Granular Privilege Elevation When creating a PCS policy, you can base it on the Granular Privilege Elevation template, so you can grant users permission to run specified commands at a higher level of access than their user account would normally have. When specifying the commands that users can run, you can use Windows built-in security groups to specify which user to run the command as.
Kerberos Authentication Remote connections using PRA can now access Windows targets where the authentication to the AD-joined target machine from PRA with an Active Directory Secret will leverage Kerberos. This feature is also required when using Active Directory Protected Users security groups. If the authentication fails, PRA will automatically try to use NTLM based authentication.
PRA Workloads Simplify the user experience for managing PRA capable Engines with unified, centralized management and deployment by using the Delinea Platform Engine. Platform Engines use a unified plug-and-play system allowing customers to select capabilities they need. Engines automatically download, install, and manage updates for all workloads for the selected capabilities. The Platform Engine and PRA capabilities support both Windows and Linux infrastructure giving customers more deployment options than before.
Collections as Policy Targets Targets are the computers and computer groups that a PCS policy can apply to. The target is where the Subject can perform an action. By using collections as targets, you can more easily select more than a single computer as a target. Policy Targets