
The Computer class represents a Delinea-managed computer object.


public interface IComputer


The Computer class provides the following methods:

Method Description
Commit Commits changes to the computer object and saves them in Active Directory.
Delete Removes the computer profile from Active Directory.
GetDirectoryEntry Returns the directory entry for a computer object.
Refresh Reloads the computer object data from the data in Active Directory.


The Computer class provides the following properties:

Property Description
AdsiInterface Gets the IADs interface for the computer object from Active Directory.
ADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the computer object.
AgentVersion Gets the version number of the Delinea Agent as it is stored in Active Directory.
CanonicalName Gets the canonical name of the computer object.
IsOrphan Indicates whether the computer profile has a computer object associated with it.
IsReadable Indicates whether the computer object is readable.
IsWritable Indicates whether the computer object is writable.
JBossEnabled Gets or sets the attribute that enables JBoss access for a computer account.
Name Gets the computer name of the computer object.
ProfileADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the computer profile associated with a computer object.
SchemaVersion Gets the version of the Active Directory schema.
TomcatEnabled Gets or sets the attribute that enables Tomcat access for a computer account.
Version Gets the version number of the Active Directory schema.
WebLogicEnabled Gets or sets the attribute that enables WebLogic access for a computer account.
WebSphereEnabled Gets or sets the attribute that enables WebSphere access for a computer account
Zone Gets the zone associated with the Computer object.
ZoneMode Gets the zone mode of the computer.