
Reloads the Computer object data from the data in Active Directory.


void Refresh()


This method refreshes the computer properties in the cached object to ensure it is synchronized with the latest information in Active Directory.


Refresh may throw one of the following exceptions:

  • InvalidOperationException if the computer profile cannot be found. This usually indicates that the computer is not in a zone.

  • COMException if an LDAP error occurs. LDAP errors can occur if the connection to the LDAP server fails, the connection times out, invalidcredentials are presented, or there are other problems communicating with Active Directory.


The following code sample illustrates using Refresh for a computer object in a script:

set objZone = cims.GetZone("")  
'Identify the computer account  
Set objComp = cims.GetComputer("”)   
'Set a property and save the changes to the computer account  
Set objComp.WebSphereEnabled = true  
'Refresh the computer object and display the result  
wScript.Echo objComp.WebSphereEnabled  