
Gets or sets the attribute that indicates whether the computer is enabled as a server for JBoss applications.


bool JBossEnabled {get; set;}

Property value

Set to true if access to JBoss applications is enabled for the computer account, or false if access to JBoss applications is not enabled.


JBossEnabled throws an InvalidOperationException if you try to set this property when the computer is not in a zone. For example, if you are using Delinea Express or have joined the domain using the --workstation option, you should not use this property.


The following code sample illustrates using JBossEnabled for a computer object in a script:

set objZone = cims.GetZoneByPath("LDAP://CN=research,CN=zones,
CN=centrify,CN=program data,DC=sierra,DC=com")  
'Identify the computer account  
Set objComp = cims.GetComputerByPath("LDAP://CN=aixserver,
Set objComp.JBossEnabled = false  