Adding SSH keys

You can add and store SSH keys in Privileged Access Service. After the keys are added, users with the appropriate permissions can retrieve and use these keys, instead of passwords, to log in to UNIX systems, Generic SSH systems, and network devices.

Privileged Access Service supports PEM and PPK for formatted keys and the following key algorithms:

  • DSA
  • RSA
  • EdDSA

After adding a key, you can do the following:

There are three ways to add SSH keys:

  • Adding the SSH key at the SSH Keys tab (Admin Portal> Resources > SSH Keys > Add Key).
  • Dragging and dropping the SSH key at the SSH Key tab (Admin Portal> Resources > SSH Keys > then drag and drop).
  • Upload the SSH key while adding the account (Admin Portal> Resources > Systems > Add System).

Adding an SSH key at the SSH Keys tab:

  1. Click Resources > SSH Keys.

  2. Click the Add Key button.

  3. Enter a Name for the key.

  4. This name can be updated on the Settings page after you save this key.

  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for the key.

  6. Select the file type using the Type drop-down list.

  7. Selecting File allows you to upload a file containing the SSH key:

    1. Click the Select File button.
    2. Navigate to the file location.
    3. Double-click the relevant file.
    4. (Optional) Enter the Passphrase associated with the SSH key if you have one.
    5. Click OK.
  8. Selecting Manual allows you to paste a SSH key manually:

    1. Click the Enter Key button.
    2. Paste the SSH private key into the text box.
    3. (Optional) Enter the Passphrase associated with the SSH key if you have one.
    4. Click OK.
  9. (Optional) Use the Add to Set drop-down list to add this key to a set.

  10. Click Save.

Dragging and dropping an SSH key at the SSH Keys tab:

Navigate to the Admin Portal> Resources > SSH Keys. At the bottom of the screen there is a drag and drop window that allows you to drag and drop an SSH key.

Uploading the SSH key while adding an account:

For steps on how to upload an SSH key while adding an account, see Adding Systems with the Wizard