Assigning SSH Key Management Permissions

You can delegate permissions to additional users and roles to manage the SSH key. Additionally, these users must have the “Privilege Access Service User” rights to see the SSH Key tab. See Admin Portal Administrative Rights for more information about this administrative right.

For each SSH key, you can add user management accounts and specify the following permissions:

  • Delete – Delete the SSH key that is stored in Privileged Access Service.
  • Edit – Edit the SSH key information only.
  • Grant – Add user management accounts and assign permissions.
  • Inherited From – The permissions a user has for SSH keys are inherited from the listed administrative right.
  • Retrieve – Retrieve the SSH key.
  • View – View the SSH key information only.

To add users and assign permission:

  1. Click Resources> SSH Keys.

  2. Select the relevant SSH key.

  3. Click Permissions.

  4. Click the Add button.

    1. Start typing the user, group, or role in which you want to assign SSH key management permissions.

    2. Select the relevant user, group, or role.

    3. Click Add.

    4. The user is added to the Permissions page with only View permission.

  5. Assign the necessary permissions by selecting the relevant check-box.

  6. Click Save

The user now has the specified permissions to manage this SSH key.