
The UserUnixProfiles class is used to manage a collection of user profiles.


public interface IUserUnixProfiles


The collection of user profiles contained in the object depend on how the object was obtained:

  • When you call User.UnixProfiles, the UserUnixProfiles object returned enumerates all of the profiles defined for a specific Active Directory user across all zones in the current domain.

  • When you call Zone.GetUserUnixProfiles, the UserUnixProfiles object returned enumerates all of the profiles defined for a specific Active Directory user in a specific zone.


The UserUnixProfiles class provides the following methods:

Method Description
GetEnumerator Returns an enumeration of user profiles.
Refresh Reloads the collection of UNIX profiles from Active Directory.


The UserUnixProfiles class provides the following properties:

Property Description
Count Gets the number of UNIX profiles defined in the collection of UserUnixProfiles.
IsEmpty Indicates whether the UserUnixProfiles object contains any profiles.