
Gets all of the UNIX profiles for a specified Active Directory user in the current domain.


IUserUnixProfiles UnixProfiles {get;}

Property value

The collection of UNIX profiles for the user.


The resulting object, UserUnixProfiles, is the collection of UNIX profiles that have been defined for the user across all zones.


The following code sample illustrates using UnixProfiles in a script:

'Get the zone object  
Set objZone = cims.GetZone("ajax.org/UNIX/Zones/pilot")  
'Get the user object  
set objUser = cims.GetUserByPath("LDAP://CN=tai.wu,CN=Users, DC=ajax,DC=org")  
'Look up the user’s UNIX profile in the zone  
dim objUserUnixProfiles  
set objUserUnixProfiles = objUser.UnixProfiles   
set objUserUnixProfile = objUserUnixProfiles.Find(objZone)