
The HierarchicalZone class represents a hierarchical zone.


public interface IHierarchicalZone : IZone


The HierarchicalZone class inherits many methods and properties from the Zone class, but adds support for partial profiles and inheritable roles. Under hierarchical zones, both identity (profile data) and access (authorization data) are inherited, such that a user's effective identity or access are determined by all the profile data and all the access data at all levels of the hierarchy.

See HierarchicalUser for a discussion of profile and access inheritance.


The HierarchicalZone class provides the following methods:

Method Description
AddAccessGroup Adds an empty role assignment to a group
AddComputerRole Creates a computer role under this zone.
AddGroupPartialProfile Adds a partial profile for a specified group.
AddLocalGroupPartialProfile Adds a partial profile for a specified local group.
AddLocalUserPartialProfile Adds a partial profile for a specified local user.
AddMitUser Adds an MIT Kerberos realm trusted user to this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
AddRoleAssignment Adds an empty role assignment.
AddUserPartialProfile Adds a partial profile for a specified user.
Commit Commits changes to the group object to Active Directory. (Inherited from Zone.)
CreateCommand Creates a command right for the zone.
CreateImportPendingGroup Creates a pending imported group in this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
CreateImportPendingUser Creates a pending imported user in this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
CreateNetworkAccess Creates a network application access right.
CreatePamAccess Creates a PAM application access right.
CreateRole Creates a role in the zone.
CreateSshRight Creates an SSH application access right.
CreateWindowsApplication Creates a Windows application access right.
CreateWindowsDesktop Creates a Windows Desktop access right.
Delete Marks the zone for deletion from Active Directory. (Inherited from Zone.)
GeneratePredefinedRights Generates predefined SSH and PAM rights in this zone.
GeneratePredefinedRoles Generates predefined user roles in this zone.
GetAccessGroup Returns a group assigned to this zone given a role for the group.
GetAccessGroups Returns an enumeration of groups in the zone.
GetChildZones Returns an enumeration of this zone’s child zones.
GetCommand Returns the privileged command right with a specific name or GUID.
GetCommands Returns an enumeration of all the privileged command rights in the zone.
GetComputerByDN Returns the computer profile in the zone given the distinguished name of the profile. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetComputerRole Returns a specific computer role under this zone.
GetComputerRoles Returns an enumeration of all the computer roles under this zone.
GetComputers Returns an enumeration of all the computers in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetComputersContainer Returns the Active Directory object for the Computers node. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetDirectoryEntry Returns the Active Directory object for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetDisplayName Returns the display name of this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetEffectiveCommands Returns all the command rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including inherited rights.
GetEffectiveNetworkAccesses Returns all the network access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including inherited rights.
GetEffectivePamAccesses Returns all the PAM application access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including inherited rights.
GetEffectiveRoles Returns all the user roles that can be assigned to users in the zone, including inherited roles.
GetEffectiveSshs Returns all the SSH application access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including inherited rights.
GetEffectiveUserUnixProfiles Returns an enumeration of effective users under this zone.
GetEffectiveWindowsApplications Returns all the Windows application access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including rights inherited from zones higher in the hierarchy.
GetEffectiveWindowsDesktops Returns all the Windows desktop access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone, including rights inherited from zones higher in the hierarchy.
GetEffectiveWindowsUsers Returns all the Windows users in the zone, including users inherited from zones higher in the hierarchy.
GetLocalGroupsContainer Returns the DirectoryEntry of the local groups container. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfile Returns the local UNIX group profile for a specified group name in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByDN Returns a local group profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalGroupUnixProfileByGid (Int32) Returns the local group profile using the Group Identifier (GID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalGroupUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local group profiles in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUsersContainer Returns the directory entry of the local users container. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfile Returns the local user profile using the specified user name. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the local user profile specified by the distinguished name (DN) of the profile. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByUid (Int32) Returns the local user profile using the User Identifier (UID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface (Inherited from Zone.)
GetLocalUserUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local user profiles in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetNetworkAccess Returns the specified network access right.
GetNetworkAccesses Returns all the network access rights that can be assigned to users in the zone.
GetGroupsContainer Returns the Active Directory object for the Groups container. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetGroupUnixProfile Returns the UNIX group profile in this zone for the specified Active Directory group. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetGroupUnixProfileByDN Returns the UNIX group profile in this zone for the Active Directory group specified by distinguished name. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetGroupUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX group profile in this zone for the Active Directory group specified by group name. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetGroupUnixProfiles Returns an enumeration of the UNIX groups in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetImportPendingGroup Returns the group with the specified ID pending import. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetImportPendingGroups Returns an enumeration of groups pending import to this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetImportPendingUser Returns the user with the specified ID pending import. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetImportPendingUsers Returns an enumeration of users pending import to this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetNetworkAccess VBScript interface to access NSS variables.
GetNSSVariables VBScript interface to obtain all NSS variable names.
GetPamAccess Returns the PAM application access right with the specified name.
GetPamAccesses Returns an enumeration of all the PAM application rights in the zone.
GetPrimaryUser Returns the primary profile for the specified user.
GetRole Returns the role with the specified name or GUID.
GetRoleAssignment Returns the role assignment for the specified role and trustee.
GetRoleAssignmentById Returns the role assignment for the specified GUID.
GetRoleAssigments Returns an enumeration of all the role assignments in the zone.
GetRoleAssignmentToAllADUsers Returns the role assignment given to all Active Directory users who have a specified role.
GetRoleAssignmentToAllUnixUsers Returns the role assignment given to all UNIX users who have a specified role.
GetRoles Returns an enumeration of all the roles in the zone.
GetSecondaryUsers Returns an enumeration of the secondary profiles for the specified user.
GetSshRight Returns the SSH application access right with the specified name.
GetSshRights Returns an enumeration of all the SSH application rights in the zone.
GetSubTreeRoleAssignments Returns all role assignments under this zone, including role assignments for computer roles and computers.
GetUserProfiles Returns an enumeration of all the user profiles for the specified user.
GetUserRoleAssignments Returns an enumeration of all the user role assignments in the zone.
GetWindowsApplication Returns the specified Windows application right.
GetWindowsApplications Returns all the Windows application rights in the zone.
GetWindowsComputers Returns all the Windows computers in the zone.
GetWindowsDesktop Returns the specified Windows desktop right.
GetWindowsDesktops Returns all the Windows desktop rights in the zone.
GetUsersContainer Returns the directory entry of the Users container. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the UNIX user profile in this zone for the user specified by distinguished name. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetUserUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX user profile in this zone for the user specified by user name. (Inherited from Zone.)
GetUserUnixProfiles Returns an enumeration of all the UNIX user profiles in the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GroupUnixProfileExists Indicates whether the group has a profile in this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
LocalGroupUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local group. (Inherited from Zone.)
LocalUserUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local user. (Inherited from Zone.)
PrecreateComputerZone Adds a computer zone to a computer object in this zone.
Refresh Refreshes the data in this object instance from the data stored in Active Directory. (Inherited from Zone.)
SetNSSVariable VBScript interface to set the values of NSS variables.
UserUnixProfileExists Indicates whether the specified user has a profile in this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)


The HierarchicalZone class provides the following properties:

Property Description
AdsiInterface Gets the IADs interface of the zone object in Active Directory. (Inherited from Zone.)
ADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the zone object. (Inherited from Zone.)
AgentlessAttribute Gets or sets the attribute used to store the password hash for an agentless client. (Inherited from Zone.)
AvailableShells Gets or sets an enumeration of available user login shells. (Inherited from Zone.)
Cims Gets the Cims object managing this zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
DefaultGroup Gets or sets the default group for new users. (Inherited from Zone.)
DefaultHomeDirectory Gets or sets the default login directory for new users. (Inherited from Zone.)
DefaultShell Gets or sets the default login shell for new users. (Inherited from Zone.)
DefaultValueZone Gets or sets the zone to use for default zone values. (Inherited from Zone.)
Description Gets or sets the description of the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
FulllName Gets or sets the full name of the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GroupAutoProvisioningEnabled Indicates whether auto-provisioning of group profiles is enabled for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
GroupDefaultName Gets or sets the default group name.
ID Gets the unique identifier for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
IsChild Indicates whether this is a child zone.
IsGroupDefaultNameDefined Indicates whether the group default name is defined.
IsHierarchical Indicates whether this is a hierarchical zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
IsNextGidDefined Gets or sets whether Next GID value is configured for this zone.
IsNextUidDefined Gets or sets whether Next UID value is configured for this zone.
IsReadable Indicates whether this zone object in Active Directory is readable with the current user credentials. (Inherited from Zone.)
IsSFU Indicates whether the zone uses the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) schema extension. (Inherited from Zone.)
IsTruncateName Indicates whether this is a TruncateName zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
IsUseAutoPrivateGroupDefined Determines whether the UseAutoPrivateGroup flag is defined.
IsUserDefaultGecosDefined Determines whether the user default GECOS is defined in this profile.
IsUserDefaultHomeDirectoryDefined Determines whether the user default home directory is defined in this profile.
IsUserDefaultNameDefined Determines whether the user default name is defined in this profile.
IsUserDefaultPrimaryGroupDefined Determines whether the user default primary group is defined in this profile.
IsUserDefaultRoleDefined Determines whether the user default role is defined in this profile.
IsUserDefaultShellDefined Determines whether the user default login shell is defined in this profile.
IsWritable Indicates whether this zone object is writable using the provided credential. (Inherited from Zone.)
Licenses Gets or sets the license container for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
MasterDomainController Gets or sets the master domain controller for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
MustMaintainADGroupMembership Indicates whether Active Directory group membership must be maintained. (Inherited from Zone.)
Name Gets or sets the name of the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
NextAvailableGID Gets or sets the next GID to be used when adding a group (32-bit for COM programs). (Inherited from Zone.)
NextAvailableUID Gets or sets the next UID to be used when adding a user (32-bit for COM programs). (Inherited from Zone.)
NextGID Gets or sets the next GID to be used when adding a group (64-bit for .NET modules). (Inherited from Zone.)
NextUID Gets or sets the next UID to be used when adding a user (64-bit for .NET modules). (Inherited from Zone.)
NISDomain Gets or sets the NIS domain associated with this SFU zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
NssVariables Gets the map of profile variables.
Parent Gets or sets the parent of this zone.
ReservedGID Gets or sets the list of GIDs not to be used when adding groups. (Inherited from Zone.)
ReservedUID Gets or sets the list of UIDs not to be used when adding users. (Inherited from Zone.)
Schema Gets the schema of the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
SFUDomain Gets or sets the Active Directory domain associated with this SFU zone for retrieving SFU information. (Inherited from Zone.)
UseAppleGid Determines whether to use the Apple algorithm to automatically generate the GID when adding a group. The Apple algorithm is based on the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the object.
UseAppleUid Determines whether to use the Apple algorithm to automatically generate the UID when adding a user. The Apple algorithm is based on the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the object.
UseAutoGid Determines whether to use the Delinea algorithm to automatically generate the GID when adding a group. The Delinea algorithm is based on the security identifier (SID) for the object.
UseAutoPrivateGroup Determines whether this zone defaults to use an auto private group when adding a zone user.
UseAutoUid Determines whether to use the Delinea algorithm to automatically generate the UID when adding a user. The Delinea algorithm is based on the security identifier (SID) for the object.
UseNextGid Determines whether to use the NextGID property when adding a group.
UseNextUid Determines whether to use the NextUID property when adding a user.
UserAutoProvisioningEnabled Indicates whether auto-provisioning of user profiles is enabled for the zone. (Inherited from Zone.)
UserDefaultGecos Gets or sets the default GECOS field for new user profiles.
UserDefaultGid Gets or sets the user default GID when adding a new user profile.
UserDefaultName Gets or sets the default user name for a new user profile.
UserDefaultPrimaryGroup Gets or sets the user default GID for new user profiles; for use in VBScript scripts.
UserDefaultRole Gets or sets the default role for a new user profile.
Version Gets the version number of the data schema. (Inherited from Zone.)