
Manages Delinea zone objects (Centrify.DirectControl.API.IZone).


public interface IZone


For each zone you create, you must also define several zone properties. You can also use the Zone class to manage user access rights and the actions users are allowed to perform within a zone. For more information about creating and working with Delinea zones interactively using the Access Manager console, see the Administrator’s Guide for Linux and UNIX.


The Zone class provides the following methods:

Method Description
AddMitUser Adds an MIT Kerberos realm-trusted user to this zone.
Commit Commits settings to Active Directory for the zone object.
CreateImportPendingGroup Creates a "pending import" group in the zone.
CreateImportPendingUser Creates a "pending import" user in the zone.
Delete Deletes the zone object from Active Directory.
GetComputerByDN Returns the computer profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetComputers Returns the list of computers in the zone.
GetComputersContainer Returns the directory entry for the Computers parent container object.
GetDirectoryEntry Returns the directory entry for the zone.
GetDisplayName Returns the display name of the zone.
GetGroupsContainer Returns the directory entry for the Groups parent container object.
GetGroupUnixProfile Returns the UNIX group profile for a specified group in the zone.
GetGroupUnixProfileByDN Returns the group profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetGroupUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX group profile for a specified group name in the zone.
GetGroupUnixProfiles Returns the list of UNIX groups in the zone.
GetImportPendingGroup Returns an individual "pending import" group in the zone.
GetImportPendingGroups Returns the collection of "pending import" groups in the zone.
GetImportPendingUser Returns an individual "pending import" user in the zone.
GetImportPendingUsers Returns the collection of "pending import" users in the zone.
GetLocalGroupsContainer Returns the DirectoryEntry of the local groups container.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfile Returns the local UNIX group profile for a specified group name in the zone.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfileByDN Returns a local group profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfileByGid (Int32) Returns the local group profile using the Group Identifier (GID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local group profiles in the zone.
GetLocalUsersContainer Returns the directory entry of the local users container.
GetLocalUserUnixProfile Returns the local user profile using the specified user name.
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the local user profile specified by the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByUid (Int32) Returns the local user profile using the User Identifier (UID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface
GetLocalUserUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local user profiles in the zone.
GetUsersContainer Returns the directory entry for the Users parent container object.
GetUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the user profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetUserUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX user profile for a specified user name in the zone.
GetUserUnixProfiles Returns the list of UNIX users in the zone.
GroupUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists for the specified group in the zone.
LocalGroupUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local group.
LocalUserUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local user.
PrecreateComputer Adds a computer to the zone.
PrecreateWindowsComputer Adds a Windows computer to the zone.
Refresh Returns the data stored for the zone object from the data in the Active Directory entry.
UserUnixProfileExists Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists for the specified user in the zone.


The Zone class provides the following properties:

Property Description
[ Gets the IADs interface of the zone object in Active Directory.
ADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the zone object.
AgentlessAttribute Gets or sets the Active Directory attribute used for storing the user’s password hash.
AvailableShells Gets or sets the list of available shells for the zone.
Cims Gets the Cims object managing the zone.
DefaultGroup Gets or sets the default group profile to use as the primary group for new users in the zone.
DefaultHomeDirectory Gets or sets the default path to the user's home directory for new users in the zone.
DefaultShell Gets or sets the default shell assigned to new users in the zone.
DefaultValueZone Gets or sets the zone to use for default zone values.
Description Gets or sets the description property for the zone.
FullName Gets the full name of the zone.
GroupAutoProvisioningEnabled Indicates whether auto-provisioning of group profiles is enabled for the zone.
ID Gets the unique identifier for the zone.
IsHierarchical Indicates whether this zone supports hierarchical zone features.
IsReadable Indicates whether the zone object's properties are readable.
IsSFU Indicates whether the zone uses the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) schema extension.
IsTruncateName Determines whether the zone is a TruncateName zone.
IsWritable Indicates whether the zone object's properties are writable.
Licenses Gets or sets the license container associated with this zone.
MasterDomainController Gets or sets the name of the primary domain controller for the zone.
MustMaintainADGroupMembership Determines whether Active Directory group membership must be maintained for UNIX users in the zone.
Name Gets or sets the name of the zone.
NextAvailableGID Gets or sets the next available GID value for new groups in the zone.
NextAvailableUID Gets or sets the next available UID value for new users in the zone.
NextGID Gets or sets the next GID to be used when adding users.
NextUID Gets or sets the next UID to be used when adding users.
NISDomain Gets or sets the NIS domain associated with the zone for SFU zones.
ReservedGID Gets or sets the list of group identifiers (GIDs) that cannot be assigned in the zone.
ReservedUID Gets or sets the list of User identifiers (UIDs) that cannot be assigned in the zone.
Schema Gets the schema type of the zone object.
SFUDomain Gets or sets the Active Directory domain associated with the zone for SFU zones.
UserAutoProvisioningEnabled Indicates whether auto-provisioning of user profiles is enabled for the zone.
Version Gets the version number of the data schema.