Secret Template Fields
Field Types
Template fields can be specified as one of several different types to enhance customization:
- File: File attachment link. File attachments are stored in the Microsoft SQL Server database.
- General List: Preconfigured selectable list for launcher enhancement or general use. See Secret Template List Fields.
- Notes: Multi-line text-entry field.
- Password: Password type text-entry field.
- Text: Single-line text-entry field.
- URL: Clickable hyperlink.
- URL List: Preconfigured selectable list for general use. See Secret Template List Fields.
Editing Fields
The secret template designer provides several settings to customize secret template text-entry fields:
- To add a secret text-entry field, fill out the values and click the + button.
- To delete a text-entry field:
Click Add Field.
Click on a field name to edit the details of that field.
From the template details you can edit the active status.
Only active fields will appear in the template so to remove a field from showing flag it as not active.
- To edit a text-entry field, click the
icon. Click either the
icon to save or the X icon to discard the changes.
Text-Entry Field and Control Settings
The settings available for text-entry fields are:
- Field Name: Name of the text-entry field. This name is used for the Create New drop-down list on either the Dashboard's Create Secret Widget or Home page.
- Field Slug Name: A unique identifier used in API calls and other interactions. The slug allows the display name to change without breaking interfaces to fields.
- Description: Description of the text-entry field.
- Type: Type of the text-entry field. See below for a description of the different text-entry fields.
- Is Required: Whether the text-entry field should require a value. These check boxes are checked for correct content when the user attempts to create this secret. A validation error is displayed if not entered correctly.
- All history: Check to save all history of this field.
- Searchable: Whether that text-entry field should be indexed for searching. By default, passwords are not indexed. File attachments and history cannot be indexed for searching.
- Edit Requires: Minimum permissions on the secret needed in order to edit the value on the secret. The options are Edit, Owner and Not Editable. This enables the secret text-entry field to be locked down at a more granular level than other text-entry fields on the template.
- Viewing requires edit: If checked, this text-entry field is not displayed to users when viewing the secret. The text-entry field is only be displayed when the secret is in Edit mode.
- Expose for Display: If checked, this text-entry field is available to be displayed as a Custom Column on the Secret Server Dashboard.
Dropdown options: Add the values to appear as dropdown for the text fields.
The order of the text-entry fields in the Template Designer grid is the same as those that appear when the user views or edits a secret created from the template. The order can be modified through the up and down arrows on the grid.
Default values can be specified on each text-entry field by clicking the edit defaults button . These added values appear as a list on any secret created from this template.