Ticket System Integration


Secret Server can allow users to enter a ticket number when viewing a secret. This number can be validated through a regular expression, and can also be marked as required, if needed. Secret Server can integrate with third party ticket systems. See below for more information.

Configurable Settings

Navigate to Admin > Ticket system - the Ticket systems page opens. Here you can view the list of all the existing Ticket systems. Click on a Ticket system from the list to edit it.

Auditing: The ticket number appears in the audit log and can be queried in reports. If the View Ticket URL has been set, the log shows the ticket number as a hyperlink linking to the external ticket system.

Ticket System Settings Section

You can add multiple ticket systems from the Ticket systems section. To add a new system, click Create Ticket System at the top right. The New ticket system widow will open. Enter the following settings for your Ticket system settings section:

  • Name: Enter the related ticket system name.

  • Description: Enter your ticket system description.

  • Enabled: Check to enable the ticket system.

  • Default: Check to make this ticket system the default. If set as default, then this system will be selected by default when a user makes a request. Only one ticket system can be set as default. When saving as default, the previous that was the default will be deselected.

  • Ticket number label: Enter the desired ticket number label, the text that displays next to the Ticket Number box on the Comment or Request Access page.

  • Ticket number reason options: This option allows fine-grained control of what the user must enter when Require Comment is enabled and ticket system integration is turned on.
    • Only Require Reason: Ticket number is optional, reason is required.

    • Require Both Ticket Number and Reason: Ticket number and reason are required.

    • Ticket Number or Reason Required: Either ticket number or reason must be entered.

    • Only Require Ticket Number: Ticket number is required, reason is optional.

  • Ticket system publicly available: This configuration is enabled by default, and if it is enabled, the ticketing system integration will attempt to run from the web server rather than the distributed engine. This setting is crucial for environments using Secret Server Cloud, as it may lead to failures if the integration is expected to run from DE. If you use Secret Server Cloud it is recommended to disable this field and select a Site from the dropdown that will appear below when the Ticket system publicly available field is disabled.

  • Site: Select the related site from the dropdown to run for your ticket system when the ticket system publicly available field is disabled.

Ticket System Integration Section

Enter the following settings for your Ticket system integration section (also see Third Party Integrations for related details):

  • Type: Select the related ticket system from the dropdown:

  • View Ticket URL Template: The format of the URL to be used for viewing the ticket. This is placed in the audit log so you can easily view the corresponding ticket from Secret Server. The Ticket URL Format field can be edited on the "Ticketing System Integration" tab of the configuration page. In this field, the $TICKETID parameter will be replaced by the ticket number that is entered by the user. For example, if you specify the template as http://myticketingsystem/ticket.aspx?ticketid=$TICKETID, and a user enters 5125-242 as the ticket number, a link will appear in the audit log to http://myticketingsystem/ticket.aspx?ticketid=5125-242.

  • Ticket Number Format Pattern (Regex): A regular expression to use for validating the ticket number entered. This can help prevent typos in the number. Considerations:

    • If you are using ticketing system integration, you can set a ticket pattern on the Ticket System Integration tab of the Configuration page.

    • If you do not want to restrict what ticket numbers a user can enter, you can leave the Ticket Number Validation Pattern (Regex) text box empty.

    • If you do want to restrict it, you can enter a regular expression in the text box. The ticket number entered must match the regular expression.

    • If you are supported and need assistance setting up a validation pattern, feel free to email support@delinea.com.

    • Here is an example for a ticket pattern that must be a valid number: ^[0-9]+$

  • Ticket Number Validation Error Message: The error message to display to the user when their entered ticket number fails the validation pattern regex.

Ticket Number Override Section

Here, you can designate approvers to manually approve tickets if ticket validation fails from something like an external system error. The settings are:

  • Enable Override:

    • Yes, always bypass ticket validation and require approval

    • Off (do nothing upon failure)

  • Secret Owners Can Approve Override check box: When the box is selected, an owner can enter a ticket number and request access when they are notified about a validation failure. The request is emailed to the approvers. An approver can click on a link in the email that takes them to the Ticket Overrides section of the Secret Server Inbox where they can approve or deny the request. Once the request is approved, the requester can check out the secret from the same dialog box where they requested the approval.

  • Override Approvers: A list of designated approvers for overriding validation errors. Approvers can be added with the Add Approver link.

Third-Party Integrations

Secret Server can integrate into third-party ticket systems as well. Those supported are listed below. You can add multiple ticket systems to Secret Server by clicking New Ticket System. You can make a specific ticket system the default system used by Secret Server by clicking the System link and then clicking the Set as Default button.

The third-party integrations: