Secret Template Fields

If you want to programmatically manipulate fields, see Field Slug Names.
To use a custom SSH RPC port, add a field named "Port" to your secret template. Empty port fields are equivalent to the default port, 22.

Field Types

Template fields can be specified as one of several different types to enhance customization:

  • File: File attachment link. File attachments are stored in the Microsoft SQL Server database.
  • General List: Preconfigured selectable list for launcher enhancement or general use. See Secret Template List Fields.
  • Notes: Multi-line text-entry field.
  • Password: Password type text-entry field.
  • Text: Single-line text-entry field.
  • URL: Clickable hyperlink.
  • URL List: Preconfigured selectable list for general use. See Secret Template List Fields.

Editing Fields

The secret template designer provides several settings to customize secret template text-entry fields:

  • To add a secret text-entry field, fill out the values and click the + button.
  • To delete a text-entry field:
    1. Click Add Field.

    2. Click on a field name to edit the details of that field.

    3. From the template details you can edit the active status.

    4. Only active fields will appear in the template so to remove a field from showing flag it as not active.

  • To edit a text-entry field, click the 1553806315006icon. Click either the 1553806340594 icon to save or the X icon to discard the changes.

Text-Entry Field and Control Settings

The settings available for text-entry fields are:

  • Field Name: Name of the text-entry field. This name is used for the Create New drop-down list on either the Dashboard's Create Secret Widget or Home page.
  • Field Description: Description of the text-entry field.
  • Field Type: Type of the text-entry field. See below for a description of the different text-entry fields.
  • Is Required: Whether the text-entry field should require a value. These check boxes are checked for correct content when the user attempts to create this secret. A validation error is displayed if not entered correctly.
  • History: Retention limit for historical values in text fields, files, and passwords.
  • Searchable: Whether that text-entry field should be indexed for searching. By default, passwords are not indexed. File attachments and history cannot be indexed for searching.
  • Edit Requires: Minimum permissions on the secret needed in order to edit the value on the secret. The options are Edit, Owner and Not Editable. This enables the secret text-entry field to be locked down at a more granular level than other text-entry fields on the template.
  • Hide on View: If checked, this text-entry field is not displayed to users when viewing the secret. The text-entry field is only be displayed when the secret is in Edit mode.
  • Expose for Display: If checked, this text-entry field is available to be displayed as a Custom Column on the Secret Server Dashboard.
All text-entry fields that are set to "Expose for Display" are not encrypted in the database. Only check this value if the secret text-entry field data is not considered privileged information.

The order of the text-entry fields in the Template Designer grid is the same as those that appear when the user views or edits a secret created from the template. The order can be modified through the up and down arrows on the grid.

Default values can be specified on each text-entry field by clicking the edit defaults 1553806481985 button . These added values appear as a list on any secret created from this template.