Secret Template List Fields



With secret template list fields, administrators can create new lists that can be shared by multiple secrets. Clicking on an existing list goes to the details page for that list where the user can set the list's name, description, and the options available in the list.

You can optionally group list options by category, which make using very large lists easier. For instance, a list of machines might have the machines categorized by function, such as "Web Server" or "Database Server." You could also use categories for locations, such as "London," "New York," or "Tokyo."

List categories are displayed on the secret and on the launcher dialog with the options sorted alphabetically within categories, which are also sorted alphabetically. Options can be duplicated in multiple categories and will show up in each one. In addition to manually adding categories and options, you can upload a file containing the list options. Teams (Admin > Teams) – The team details page

In general, there are two types of list fields:

  • Allow Lists: Display a searchable drop-down of the server names or IPs entered in the list for the user to select from. Only allows entries from the list to be used.

  • Deny Lists: Allow the user to enter any server name or IP, but checks against the deny list and prevents connecting to entries on that list.

If both are set, the user sees a dropdown of all items in the allowlist that are not also in the deny list. This setup can be useful when using the same allow list on multiple secrets but where you might not want some of those servers to be used on some secrets. Using both fields means that the customer does not need to create separate versions of almost identical allow lists and can instead just choose to restrict some.

Comma-Delimited Lists

There are two types of list filtering in Secret Server: The above mentioned list filtering and assigning a text or notes field on the secret as a comma-delimited list of server names. The former has the benefit of being shared between secrets, but the latter is useful as a one-off on a single secret. A comma-delimited list can be either an allow or a deny list.

Adding a New List Field

Task 1: Create the List

  1. Go to Admin > Lists in the Core Actions section. The List page appears.

  2. Click the Create List button. The Create List popup appears.

  3. Type the name in the Name text box.

  4. (Optional) Type a description in the Description text box.

  5. Click the Save button. The configuration page for the new list appears:

  6. Click the List Optionstab.

  7. Click the Add dropdown list and select Create Category. The Create Category popup appears.

    If you want a list with no categories, choose Uncategorized for category, and follow these same instruction for adding options.
    You can also create categories from a comma-delimited list in a text file. Select the Add button and select Add from File. This can be either a list of options, one option per line, or a list of comma-delimited values in the format option,category with one pair per line. Files can also combine these formats, and any line without a comma will be treated as a option without a category.Type the name for the category in the Category text box. We typed "Manhattan."
  8. Click the Save button. The category name now appears in the category dropdown list.

  9. Add another category the same way.

  10. Click the dropdown list to select a category you just added. A table appears below the dropdown list.

  11. Click the Add dropdown list and select Create Option. The Create Option popup appears.

  12. Type the name for the Option in the Option Name text box.

  13. Click to select the category the new option will belong to in the Parent Category dropdown list.

  14. Click the Save button. The new option appears in the list.

  15. Add another option the same way.

  16. Repeat the process for the other category you created.

  17. For future reference, an alternative method exists—click one of the options. A sidebar appears:

    • Update Option: Rename the option
    • Move to Category: Move the option to another category in the same list
    • Delete Option: Remove the option from the category.

    For now, we will not use any of them.

  18. You now have a new categorized list available for secrets (via a secret template with the list).

    If you ever want to view past changes to a list or category, click the Audit tab for the list.

Task 2: Create a Template Using the List

  1. Go to Admin > Core Actions > Secret Templates. The Secret Templates page appears:

  2. Click the Create/Import Template button. The Create Template page appears.

  3. Type the template name in the Template Name text box.

  4. Leave the option button set to New.

  5. Click the Save button. The Secret Template Designer page for that new template appears.

  6. Click the Fields tab.

  7. Complete the following steps for each field:

    1. Click the Add Field button. The Add Field popup appears.

    2. Type a name in the Name text box for the first (and currently only) field.

    3. Click the Type dropdown list for the field and select List.

    4. Click the Save button. The popup disappears and a new field appears in the table.

  8. Click the name of a new field in the list. Its configuration page appears.

  9. (Optional) Click the Edit button in the Template Field Details section to further customize the field.

  10. Click the Secrets button in the main menu to return to the Secret Server dashboard.

Task 3: Create a Secret Based on the Template

  1. Click the Create Secret button. The Create New Secret popup appears.

  2. Click the secret template you just created in the Choose a Secret Template list. Create New Secret popup updates to reflect your chosen template.

  3. Note that one of the dropdown lists has the same name as the list field you created earlier. Click it, and you see the list categories you created. The list is now available for that secret's launcher.

You can use a list to provide the allow and deny lists for restricted user input based on the user's list selection in the secret.