Installing RabbitMQ Offline Without TLS PowerShell
An offline RabbitMQ installation is helpful when you are trying to install RabbitMQ on a system without internet access and cannot download any installers directly.
To install RabbitMQ offline without TLS by using PowerShell:
Download the Erlang and RabbitMQ Installers on a computer with internet access using the installation links provided in the Installing RabbitMQ with RabbitMQ Helper section.
Make sure to verify the compatibility matrix before downloading the installer.
Copy the downloaded installers (for Erlang and RabbitMQ) and the RabbitMQ-Helper Installer to the target (offline) host computer.
Install the RabbitMQ-Helper on the host computer that does not have internet access.
Conduct the desired offline installation on the target host by running the commands provided below.
Copy#Get the values from your Secret Server Site Connector page for the following:
$password = "<SITE CONNECTOR PASSWORD FROM SECRET SERVER>"Copy#Create a PSCredential object to use for the installation
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))Copy# Insert RabbitMQ Admin User Credentials
$adminUsername = "<User-defined RabbitMQ admin Username>"
$adminPassword = "<User-defined RabbitMQ admin Password>"Copy# Create a PSCredential object to use for the installation
$adminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($adminUsername, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $adminPassword -AsPlainText -Force))CopyInstall-Connector `
-Credential $credential `
-AdminCredential $adminCredential `
-OfflineErlangInstallerPath "<erlang-installer-with-complete-path>" `
-OfflineRabbitMqInstallerPath "<rabbitmq-installer-with-complete-path>" `