Local Security

Local Security in Privilege Manager allows customers to:

  • discover all local accounts and groups that exist on endpoints.
  • provide membership control of those accounts on endpoints.
  • allows to take complete ownership of the local credentials by enforcing password rotation for all accounts on those endpoints.
  • use best practices when it comes to locking down the network from malicious endpoint attacks that exploit unsecured administrative access.

Local Security is made up of

  • Computer Groups
  • Local Groups
  • Local Users

Under Reports, various Local Security reports and summaries are available.

Computer Groups

These so called resource targets (as configured in Application Control) are specified sets of computers that meet certain criteria, that are targeted by certain policies and scheduled tasks.

Each computer group contains all local groups and local users on endpoints with a local security agent installed. When the agent registers, Local Security automatically discovers the local groups that exist on each machine.

Local Groups

Groups are created and managed under the Group Management menu node.

Each local group has a list of local users that exist in that specific group. From that list you can see

  • how many groups each user account is a member of.
  • whether the user account is built-in or user-defined.
  • whether or not the account itself is managed.

Local Users

Users are created and managed under the User Management menu node.

Setting up a local user account with password rotation means that the account is a managed account within Privilege Manager.

Local Security Reporting

Under Reports various Local Security reports and summaries are available.