Create a Secret for the UiPath Integration

  1. Go to All Secrets page in Secret Server and click Create Secret.


  2. Search for the Windows Account template. This template is an example used for instructions. Any template can be used if a username and password are referenced.

  3. Click on Windows Account.


  4. For the New Windows Account template, complete the following fields:

    • Name: Name of the Secret
    • Machine: This can be anything in theory as the integration does not match based on the Secret Machine value and reads from the password field based on the SecretID. If you are using the Secret for RPC/Heartbeat, then have this match a valid machine name FQDN.
    • Username and Password: The account username and password that you intend to integrate with a UiPath asset.
  5. Click Create Secret.

  6. Click the Sharing tab and then Edit.

  7. Under the Search area for Add Groups/Users, enter your UiPath application account. The API account only requires “View” access to the Secrets you intend to integrate with.

  8. Click Save.
