
To configure ServiceNow Cloud Suite, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to ServiceNow and select All tab > System Security.

  2. Select Roles to choose the role you want to search for.

Available Roles

  • x_centrify.approver - This role can't modify application settings and is limited to only viewing the two related approval modules. Users with this role can only approve the requests.

  • x_centrify.permanent_access_user - This role is needed to unlock requests for permanent access.

  1. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Properties. The Delinea Tenant Properties window displays.

  2. Enter the PAM tenant details and specify the Maximum Access Duration Limit.

The upper limit for the Maximum Access Duration field is 90 days.

  1. To choose Allow All System Selection, select one of the following options:

    • Yes - All systems are displayed instead of System Set(s).

    • No - System Sets are displayed based on the user’s View permission of the System Set(s).

  2. Save the changes.

  3. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Customized API Sync.

  4. Click Execute Now.

  5. Once the task is executed, review the data in (Roles, Commands, and Systems).

  6. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Roles.

  7. The Roles page displays the roles present in the Privilege Access Management system.

  8. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Commands.

  9. The Commands page displays a list of all the Commands and Command Sets available in the Privilege Access Management system.

  10. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Systems.

  11. The Systems page displays the systems available in the Privilege Access Management system.

  12. Go to the All tab > Delinea Cloud Suite Integration > Approval Rules.