Logging In to the SCIM Connector

You can log in to the Delinea SCIM Connector in two ways:

  • Through Secret Server. You can use the URL of your Secret Server instance and the Secret Server administrator's username and password to log in the SCIM Connector. When logging in, you can choose to use either a domain account or a local account.

  • Through the Delinea Platform. If Secret Server is configured on the Delinea Platform, you can use your platform account to log in to the SCIM Connector. For details about configuring Secret Server on Delinea Platform, see Account Permissions.

Logging In to SCIM Connector Through Secret Server

To log in to the SCIM Connector through Secret Server:

  1. In the Sign In page, enter the URL of your Secret Server instance in the Base url box and provide the Secret Server administrator's username and password.

  2. Select the Is it domain account? checkbox and enter the domain name into the text box. For local accounts, clear the Is it domain account? checkbox.

  3. Select Sign In.

The images below show that the Sign In page allows using a domain account or a local account.

Using a Domain Account

Using a Local Account

If you're already logged in and have configured the Secret Server to access the SCIM Connector through the platform, avoid logging in again and configuring the same Secret Server using the direct Secret Server URL and credentials. Doing so may lead to issues due to the duplication of the Secret Server base URL.

Logging In to the SCIM Connector Through the Delinea Platform

Although the Delinea SCIM Connector connects with Delinea Platform, they are not integrated. This connection only provides an additional mechanism for logging to the SCIM Connector through the platform.

To access Secret Server using platform identities, ensure that the following accounts are configured:

  • Platform Administrator Account: This account must have full Secret Server administrator permissions.

  • Platform Service Account: This account is required for service-level access.

Make sure you know the domain name of your Secret Server instance.

To log in to the SCIM Connector through the platform:

  • In the Sign In page, enter the platform instance URL into the Base url box and provide the platform administrator's username and password.