Configuring WebSphere Application Server

To configure WebSphere Application Server for the integration with Secret Server or the Delinea Platform, complete the tasks in this topic and also complete the following tasks:

Configuring the Class Name of the JDBC Proxy Driver

If your application uses the Delinea driver and a direct connection, you must modify the application configuration file with the following connection string:

Database Database Connection String Delinea Driver Connection String
MYSQL Jdbc:mysql://localhost:port/database jdbc:delinea:SSID:mysql://localhost:port/database
SQLSERVER jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:port;databaseName= database jdbc:delinea:SSID:sqlserver://localhost:port;databaseName= database
Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:port: database jdbc:delinea:SSID:oracle:thin:@localhost:port: database

  Database Class Delinea Driver class name
ANY com.mysql.jdbc.Driver com.delinea.jdbc.DelineaDriver

In this case for example with MySQL, it might have an SQL server or Oracle.

The class name for the Delinea driver will be the same as mentioned.

If your application uses the JNDI name in the application’s configuration file and uses a DataSource connection, then the JDBC Provider implementation class name Proxy Driver is:

Database Implementation class name
ANY com.delinea.jdbc.DelineaConnectionPoolDataSource

Create a new JDBC provider and data source for the Delinea Driver.

Configuring the Application for a Direct Connection

  1. Go to the folder where the WebSphere application is located—C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\WebSphereServerNode01Cell.

  2. Go to the configuration file.

    In this case, the application configuration file may vary, (for example: * .txt, *.xml, *. properties, *.config file).

The example below is a Java JPA application with multiple data sources that update only the database connection parameter.

  • Connection URL: This parameter contains the connection string of the database. SQL Server example, jdbc:delinea:SSID:sqlserver://localhost:PortNumber;databaseName=databaseName.
  • Driver Class: This parameter contains the class name of the com.delinea.jdbc.DelineaDriver driver.

Your original configuration file should look like the following:

It should modify as follows:


  • The file has connection details for two databases, and the current configuration file contains a username, password, URL, and the driver class name.
  • The configuration file URL parameter will modify with a Delinea connection string add suffix delinea:SSID and the driver parameter with Delinea driver class name com.delinea.jdbc.DelineaDriver. The user and password parameters are not needed.
  • Save it and refresh the application.

Setting Up the Native Driver Classpath

Update the native driver path in the WebSphere portal so that the Delinea driver can directly call the native driver.

  1. Select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application Servers > server1.


  2. The Application Server Configuration page opens.


  3. Under Server Infrastructure, select Java and Process Management > Process definition.


  4. Under Additional Properties, select Java Virtual Machine.


  5. Mention the Native driver (for example, SQL Server) JDBC driver path and then select Apply and Save.


  6. Restart the WebSphere server and test your application with the JDBC Proxy Driver.

Success Log for a Direct Connection

The configuration in the proxy driver is successful if you see that the driver logs are written in the following sequence:

  1. DelineaDriver: Driver register successfully
  2. DelineaDriver: Loading the property file of DelineaDriver
  3. DelineaDriverHelper: Driver configuration read successfully
  4. DelineaDriver: Database credential fetched successfully from Secret Server