QID Mappings

The QID or QRadar Identifier is what QRadar uses to give events their name, high-level category, and lowlevel category.

  1. First create custom QIDs by SSH-ing into the QRadar console, change the directory to /opt/QRadar/bin and run the following command:

    ./qidmap_cli.sh -c --qname <name> --qdescription <description> --severity <severity> --lowlevelcategoryid <ID>

    For example:

    ./qidmap_cli.sh -c --qname “USER – LOGIN” --qdescription “A user as logged in.” --severity 1 --lowlevelcategoryid 19001


  2. If you prefer, you can utilize a CSV list, as demonstrated in the Import List section, and use the following command to import multiple QIDs simultaneously:

    /opt/QRadar/bin/qidmap_cli.sh -i -f <filename.txt>

    19001 is used for most of the low-level category IDs as an example.

  3. Using the program sendnow, send the list of all events to your QRadar box in the .txt file you named (example: tss events all.txt) to generate every possible event. The events can be found in the Event List section below.

Event List

CONFIGURATION - EDIT The main Delinea Secret Server configuration has been edited 10 19001
FOLDER - CREATE A Folder has been created 2 19001
FOLDER - DELETE A Folder has been deleted 5 19001
FOLDER - EDIT PERMISSIONS The configuration has been edited 10 19001
FOLDER - SECRET POLICY CHANGE The policy assigned to a folder has been changed 6 19001
FOLDER - SECRET POLICY CHANGE The Secret policy assigned to a folder has been changed 8 19001
GROUP - OWNERS MODIFIED The owners of a group have been modified 5 19001
LICENSE - EXPIRES 30 DAYS Secret Servers license will expire in 30 days 1 19001
POWERSHELL SCRIPT - CREATE A PowerShell script has been created 5 19001
POWERSHELL SCRIPT - DEACTIVATE A PowerShell script has been deactivated 5 19001
POWERSHELL SCRIPT - EDIT A PowerShell script has been edited 8 19001
POWERSHELL SCRIPT - REACTIVATE A PowerShell script has been reactivated 6 19001
POWERSHELL SCRIPT - VIEW A PowerShell script has been viewed 5 19001
ROLE - ASSIGN USER OR GROUP A role has been assigned to a user or group 5 19001
ROLE - CREATE A role has been created 5 19001
ROLE - UNASSIGN USER OR GROUP A role has been unassigned to a user or group 5 19001
ROLE PERMISSION - ADDED TO ROLE A permission has been added to a role 5 19001
ROLE PERMISSION - REMOVED FROM ROLE A permission has been removed from a role 5 19001
SECRET - ACCESS APPROVED Access to a Secret has been approved 2 19001
SECRET - ACCESS DENIED Access to a Secret has been denied 6 19001
SECRET - CHECKIN A Secret has been checked in 1 19001
SECRET - CHECKOUT A Secret has been checked out 5 19001
SECRET - COPY A Secret has been copied 1 19001
SECRET - CREATE A Secret has been created 1 19001
SECRET - CUSTOM AUDIT A custom audit has been created 1 19001
SECRET - CUSTOM REQUIREMENT ADDED A custom password requirement has been added to a Secret 2 19001
SECRET - CUSTOM REQUIREMENT REMOVED A custom password requirement has been removed from a Secret 6 19001
SECRET - DELETE A Secret has been deleted 5 19001
SECRET - DEPENDENCY ADDED A dependency has been added 8 19001
SECRET - DEPENDENCY FAILURE A dependency is missing 5 19001
SECRET - DEPENDENCY REMOVED A dependency has been removed 8 19001
SECRET - EDIT A Secret has been edited 5 19001
SECRET - EDIT VIEW A Secrets view option has been edited 8 19001
SECRET - EXPIRES 1 DAY A Secret expires in 1 day 5 19001
SECRET - EXPIRES 15 DAYS A Secret expires in 15 days 1 19001
SECRET - EXPIRES 3 DAYS A Secret expires in 3 days 1 19001
SECRET - EXPIRES 7 DAYS A Secret expires in 7 days 1 19001
SECRET - EXPIRES TODAY A Secret expires today 1 19001
SECRET - HEARTBEAT FAILURE Heartbeat has not been detected for over 10 seconds 5 19001
SECRET - HEARTBEATSUCCESS Heartbeat has been detected 1 19001
SECRET - HOOK CREATE A hook has been created 3 19001
SECRET - HOOK DELETE A hook has been deleted 8 19001
SECRET - HOOK EDIT A hook has been edited 6 19001
SECRET - HOOKFAILURE A hook has failed to initialise a PowerShell script 8 19001
SECRET - HOOKSUCCESS A hook has successfully initialised a PowerShell script 1 19001
SECRET - LAUNCH A Secret has been launched 1 19001
SECRET - PASSWORD COPIED TO CLIPBOARD A password has been copied to the clipboard 5 19001
SECRET - PASSWORD_DISPLAYED A Secret password has been displayed 5 19001
SECRET - SECRET POLICY CHANGE The Secret policy assigned to a Secret has been changed 8 19001
SECRET - SESSION RECORDING VIEW A Secret recording is being viewed 5 19001
SECRET - UNDELETE A Secret has been restored 1 19001
SECRET - VIEW A Secret has been viewed 1 19001
SECRET POLICY - CREATE A Secret policy has been created 1 19001
SECRET POLICY - EDIT A Secret policy has been edited 6 19001
SECRET TEMPLATE - COPY A Secret template has been copied 1 19001
SECRET TEMPLATE - CREATE A Secret template has been created 1 19001
SECRET TEMPLATE - EDIT A Secret template has been edited 1 19001
SECRET TEMPLATE - FIELD ENCRYPTED A field in a template has been encrypted 1 19001
SECRET TEMPLATE - FIELD EXPOSED A field in a template has been exposed 6 19001
SECRETS EXPORTD Secrets have been exported 10 19001
SECRETS IMPORTED Secrets have been imported 1 19001
SYSTEM LOG Delinea Secret Server system logs 1 19001
UNLIMITED ADMIN - DISABLED Unlimited admin has been disabled 10 19001
UNLIMITED ADMIN - ENABLED Unlimited admin has been enabled 10 19001
USER - ADDED TO GROUP A user account has been added to a group 8 19001
USER - CREATE A user account has been created 5 19001
USER - DISABLE A user account has been disabled 5 19001
USER - ENABLE A user account has been enabled 5 19001
USER - LOCKOUT A user account has been locked out see payload for information 10 19001
USER - LOGIN A user has logged on 1 19001
USER - LOGIN FAILURE A user has entered an incorrect password 8 19001
USER - LOGOUT A user has logged out 1 19001
USER - PASSWORD CHANGE A users password has been changed 8 19001
USER - REMOVED FROM GROUP A user account has been removed from a group 5 19001
USERAUDIT - EXPIRENOW All Secrets a user has accessed have expired 5 19001