SIEM Audits

DSV can send audit records to four different types of listeners: syslog, cef, splunk and json. Each type have a corresponding format for log records and supports one or more transport protocols.

To configure a new SIEM endpoint, use the command:

dsv siem create

To show all available management commands for SIEM endpoints in DSV, run:

dsv siem --help

For every audit action, DSV will try twice to reach the endpoint. If the endpoint is unresponsive after ten actions and retries, DSV will deregister the endpoint and mark it as failed. When viewed with dsv siem read <name>, deregistered endpoints will have the field and value: "failed": true. The endpoint must be recreated or updated to be used again.


  • Message format: syslog
  • Transport protocols: UDP, TCP, TLS (the minimum TLS 1.2 is used)

Syslog messages must be in RFC 5424-compliant form. DSV will truncate messages over 64KB in length.

Syslog Audit
Timestamp RFC3339 format
Priority 191
Version 1
Hostname DSV URL (e.g.,
MsgID id
Appname DSV
Message usertoken + audit message
StructuredData all other audit fields

A user-specific token, generated by user, is inserted into each message to identify the user.

Sample syslog output

<191>1 2020-06-02T14:53:48Z DSV - - [1 action=POST created=2020-06-02T14:51:36.519620577Z ipaddress= path=token principal=users:username principalItemId=00000000-51ea-4bfa-b272-80b12e43b676 tenant=tenant tenantName=tenantName] abcdef "

To start a SIEM configuration workflow, use the command:

dsv siem create
Option Description
Name required, from 3 to 50 characters long configuration name
Type required, select 'syslog'
Protocol required, select one of 'tcp', 'udp' or 'tls'
Host required, domain name or an IP address
Port required, port number in range [0..65535]
Authentication method required, select 'token'
Authentication required, type a token that will be added to the begining of a syslog message
Logging format required, select 'rfc5424'
Route through DSV engine required, specify if SIEM messages should be sent through an engine pool to deliver to a service behind a firewall
Engine pool string, specify which pool to use if previous question was answered affirmatively

Sample Values

  "siemType": "syslog",
  "name": "syslogtest",
  "host": "",
  "port": 8000,
  "protocol": "tls",
  "authMethod": "token",
  "auth": "abcdef",
  "loggingFormat": "rfc5424"

Common Event Format (CEF)

  • Message format: CEF
  • Transport protocols: UDP, TCP, TLS (the minimum TLS 1.2 is used)
CEF DSV Audit description
Version 0 constant
Device Vendor delinea constant
Device Product dsv constant
Device Version - unused by dsv
Signature ID id audit field
Name action audit field
Severity status 200 -> 0
400 -> 1
401 -> 7
403 -> 7
404 -> 0
500 -> 0
anything else -> _
Extension all other audit fields

Sample CEF output

CEF:0|delinea|dsv|-|b40e07d3-6fb9-41e8-9816-356de992b8fa|POST|0|action=POST created:2020-06-02T17:52:30.841020649Z id=b40e07d3-6fb9-41e8-9816-356de992b8fa ipaddress= message=login succeeded path=token principal=users:username principalItemId=f18b5bda-51ea-4bfa-b272-80b12e43b676 status=200 tenant=tenatID tenantName=tenantName

To start a SIEM configuration workflow, use the command:

dsv siem create
Option Description
Name required, from 3 to 50 characters long configuration name
Type required, select 'cef'
Protocol required, select one of 'tcp', 'udp' or 'tls'
Host required, domain name or an IP address
Port required, port number in range [0..65535]
Authentication method required, select 'token'
Authentication required, but not used for 'cef' type
Logging format required, select 'cef'
Route through DSV engine required, specify if SIEM messages should be sent through an engine pool to deliver to a service behind a firewall
Engine pool string, specify which pool to use if previous question was answered affirmatively

Sample Values

  "siemType": "cef",
  "name": "syslogtest",
  "host": "",
  "port": 8678,
  "protocol": "udp",
  "authMethod": "token",
  "auth": "abcdef",
  "loggingFormat": "cef"


  • Message format: JSON
  • Transport protocols: UDP, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS

DSV will send raw JSON audit via configure transport.

Sample JSON output

{"action":"POST","created":"2020-06-02T17:52:30.841020649Z","id":"b40e07d3-6fb9-41e8-9816-356de992b8fa","ipaddress":"","message":"login succeeded","path":"token","principal":"users:user","principalItemId":"f18b5bda-51ea-4bfa-b272-80b12e43b676","status":"200","tenant":"tenat","tenantName":"tenantName"}

To start a SIEM configuration workflow, use the command:

dsv siem create
Option Description
Name required, from 3 to 50 characters long configuration name
Type required, select 'json'
Protocol required, select one of 'tcp', 'udp', 'http' or 'https'
Host required, domain name or an IP address
Port required, port number in range [0..65535]
Endpoint optional, used only for 'http' or 'https' transport to build an URL as http[s]://<host>:<port>/<endpoint>
Authentication method required, select 'token'
Authentication required, not used for 'tcp', 'udp' and added as 'Authorization' header for 'http' and 'https'
Logging format required, select 'json'
Route through DSV engine required, specify if SIEM messages should be sent through an engine pool to deliver to a service behind a firewall
Engine pool string, specify which pool to use if previous question was answered affirmatively

Sample Values

  "siemType": "json",
  "name": "syslogtest",
  "host": "",
  "port": 443,
  "protocol": "https",
  "authMethod": "token",
  "auth": "abcdef",
  "loggingFormat": "json"


  • Message format: JSON in the format {"event":{ <audit fields> }}
  • Transport protocols: HTTPS

To start a SIEM configuration workflow, use the command:

dsv siem create
Option Description
Name required, from 3 to 50 characters long configuration name
Type required, select 'splunk'
Protocol required, select 'https'
Host required, domain name or an IP address
Port required, port number in range [0..65535]
Endpoint optional, used to build an URL as https://<host>:<port>/<endpoint>
Authentication method required, select 'token'
Authentication required, a token added as 'Authorization' header to each request
Logging format required, select 'json'
Route through DSV engine required, specify if SIEM messages should be sent through an engine pool to deliver to a service behind a firewall
Engine pool string, specify which pool to use if previous question was answered affirmatively

Sample Configuration

  "siemType": "splunk",
  "name": "SplunkProd",
  "host": "",
  "endpoint": "services/collector/event",
  "port": 8088,
  "protocol": "https",
  "authMethod": "token",
  "auth": "Splunk 84ba1399-87f2-000g-9b49-797ae7935244",
  "loggingFormat": "json"