Step 5 - Create Users

With the first Secrets created, the next step is to create Users or Roles that will access those secrets.

For this quick-start guide, as the intial admin, we will create a local User. To use other authentication methods, see authentication.

This procedure steps through creating users with the CLI. Users can also be created, viewed, and managed in the DSV User Interface.

Creating Local Users

Create a user and assign credentials using the following format:

dsv user create --username --password userpassword

For local users, the email address serves only as the username.

Authenticating the Local User

The local user can then, on their own machine, download the CLI and start the dsv init process. The admin will have to provide the user with their password, DSV tenant name, and domain (region).

The process is here: Initializing the CLI for the first time

When they get to the Please enter auth type:

Please enter auth type:
        (1) Password (local user)(default)
        (2) Client Credential
        (3) #{ThycoticOne}# (federated)
        (4) AWS IAM (federated)
        (5) Azure (federated)
        (6) GCP (federated)
        (7) OIDC (federated)

The user will select (1) and enter their username and password. The user should change their password immediately as a best practice. The command to change the password is:

dsv auth change-password

At this point, the users are created and able to authenticate to DSV (they can confirm with the command dsv auth and get a token), however, they will not have permission to access anything yet because DSV defaults to deny all. In the next step, the admin will create policies granting permission to these users.