Using the Delinea Marketplace

The Delinea Marketplace is an integration ecosystem for shared services where you can find applications, scripts, utilities, and other software you can use with Delinea products. By default, the Platform Admin controls Marketplace access permissions for users.


The Delinea Marketplace Integrations page houses Delinea built-in product integrations, plug-ins and utilities, as well as third-party solutions compatible with the Delinea ecosystem. This page offers a vast collection of pre-built integrations that connect your Delinea system solution to a wide range of other tools and applications. These integrations streamline workflows, automate tasks, and enhance your overall security. From SIEM and IAM integrations to custom connectors for industry-specific applications, you'll find the perfect solution to expand the capabilities of your Delinea Platform.

To display the available integrations, select Marketplace > Integrations from the left navigation menu.

You can search for integrations by using the Search box at the top of the Integrations page or by clicking the filter icon to filter your results.

Filtering Options

You can filter the integrations by Certification status, compatible Delinea Supported Application, vendor Company Name, or Category, and you can select multiple options within each category.

  • Certification:

    • Contributed Integration: A third-party vendor developed and maintains this integration. Delinea cannot guarantee its proper functioning or compliance with Delinea product limitations. Delinea has not reviewed or supported this integration.

    • Delinea Certified: Delinea supports this integration and has verified and documented its compatibility with the specified Delinea product.

    • Delinea Community: Integrations provided by the community are not guaranteed to be error-free or to function as intended. You are responsible for thoroughly testing the scripts before using them in any environment. Please note that the provided scripts may be subject to change without notice.

    • Delinea Trusted: A third-party vendor developed and maintains this integration. Delinea has reviewed its compatibility; however, for ongoing support, please refer to the third-party vendor's documentation or support channels.

  • Supported Applications: Integrations compatible with products provided and fully supported by Delinea. These include Cloud Suite, the Delinea Platform, DevOps Secrets Vault, Privilege Manager, Secret Server, and Server Suite.

  • Company Name: Finds integrations from specific vendors.

  • Categories: Sorts and finds integrations based on specific functionalities or areas of focus. Each category represents a different aspect of security or IT management.

Integration Details

When you open an individual integration card, you see a description on the right and a narrower information panel on the left.

The information panel displays the following:

  • A logo or icon related to the offering.

  • A Configure button or a Download button.

  • Supported Application(s): the applications developed and supported by Delinea that are compatible with the integration you are looking at.

  • Categories: the type(s) or purposes of the integration.

The Configure button is available for native platform integrations. Select it to display a page where you can set up and manage the Delinea Platform integration.

The Download button is available for the Delinea plug-ins. Select it to get the files needed for the integration, such as a plugin or connector.

The Learn More link is available for the selected integration. Select it to open the documentation for that integration.


To display the available applications, select Marketplace > Applications from the left navigation menu.

The Applications page displays software products and solutions developed and fully supported by Delinea.

To find specific applications, use the Search box or the filters to the right of the Search box. For more information, see Filtering in List Pages.

The filters for Delinea Applications are organized into three categories.


  • Delinea Applications: Applications developed by Delinea.

  • Delinea Products and Services: A broader range of Delinea offerings, including services

  • Delinea Tools: Tools provided by Delinea.

Supported Applications: Delinea products compatible with the offerings on the Applications page.

Categories: With the Categories filter in the Delinea Applications Marketplace, you can sort and find applications based on specific functionalities or areas of focus. Each category represents a different aspect of security or IT management.

Application Details

To view the details of an application, select Marketplace > Applications from the left navigation, then select the card for the application you want to see.

When you open an application card, one of the following buttons is displayed: Download, Configure, or Start Trial.

The Download button is available for the Delinea applications. Select it to get the necessary files to download the application.

The Configure button is available for native Delinea Platform applications or services. Select it to access the management interface for that application.

The Start Trial button is displayed if the full version is not yet available.

Quick Filters

Quick Filters are predefined filter options that let you quickly filter the marketplace listings. Quick filters appear at the top of the Integrations page or the Applications page. When you select a quick filter, only the marketplace cards that are associated with that quick filter are displayed (as shown in the image below).

You can select only one quick filter at a time to filter the marketplace cards.

To find the marketplace cards you want, you can use quick filters in combination with search and the filter options for Categories, Certification, Company Name, and Supported Applications.

Download Center

The Download Center has its own permission system, so administrators can control a user's access to the Download Center, whether the user does or does not have Marketplace permissions.

The Download Center displays software packages for the Delinea Platform, developed and fully supported by Delinea. These include agents, connectors, remote access software, tools, and updates.

Use the Learn More link to access the Delinea Platform Marketplace documentation and explore its functionalities.

You can use the Search box to find the package you need or use the filter menu to display the packages by category, architecture, or operating system.

Click anywhere in a row to open a preview pane on the right side, displaying a description and other details about the package. Select the Download link in the preview pane to download the selected software package to your computer.

The Download icon is also shown next to the application name on the Download Center page, so you can download the selected software package to your computer.

To view the Download Center, select Marketplace > Download Centerfrom the left navigation.

The Download Center grid displays key information about each asset, with customizable columns so you can adjust the display to suit your preferences. You can add columns from the list below, or remove columns as needed.

  • Name: The name of the software or tool available for download.

  • Category: The classification of the item, such as Connector, Remote Access, or Agents.

  • Version: The version number of the software, indicating its release iteration.

  • Operating System: The operating system(s) that the software is compatible with, such as MS Windows, MacOS, or various Linux distributions.

  • Architecture: The hardware architecture the software supports.

  • Release Date: The date the software version was released or made available for download.

  • Description: A brief explanation of the software's functionality or key features.

To see a package description and details, click anywhere in the package row to open a preview pane on the right side. If any older versions of the software package are available for download, those versions appear under Previous Versions, as shown in the image below. To download an older version of the package to your computer, select the download icon next to the version number. To verify that an older version’s download file is valid, use the SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksums below the version number. To copy a checksum to the clipboard, hover over the right end of the checksum string until a copy icon appears and then select it.

To download the package, hover your cursor to the right of the package name and click the download icon.

To filter the packages displayed, click the filter icon to the left of the Search box. The downloads in the Download Center can be filtered in the following ways:

  • Architecture: Software packages compatible with specific hardware platforms and configurations.

  • Operating System: Software package compatible with specific operating systems, including various MS Windows, MacOS, Unix, and Linux distributions.

  • Category: Software package of different types and purposes, including Agents, Connector, Guide, Installer, Remote Access, and Tools.