Using App Gateway Diagnostics

App Gateway Diagnostics generates reports that help troubleshoot problems externally accessing applications through App Gateway. App Gateway Diagnostics records web traffic metadata for the application using App Gateway for 24 hours or until you stop the diagnostics session, whichever comes first. Diagnostic reports are generated when you stop the session.

To start a Admin Portal App Gateway Diagnostics session:

  1. Configure the application for external App Gateway connections. For more details, see Configuring an Application to Use the App Gateway.

  2. On the App Gateway page for the application, click Start Diagnostics. A diagnostic sessions starts, indicated by the text Diagnostic session running ... .

  3. Access the application through the App Gateway as you normally would.

    The diagnostic session records web traffic metadata for the application for 24 hours or until you stop the diagnostics session, whichever comes first.

  4. On the App Gateway page, click Stop Diagnostics to stop the diagnostic session. Links to session reports for the most recent diagnostic session appear.

  5. Click the links to view the selected report on the Reports page. The following reports are available.

    • Pageloads_<appname><date time>

      The PageLoads report shows page load performance for any page in the application that a user tried to access through App Gateway during the diagnostic session.

    • Urls_<appname><date time>

      The Urls report shows absolute links to application content where the hostname differs from the application’s tunneled hostname. Any content appearing in this report indicates the application is not compatible with App Gateway. Include this report in any correspondence with Technical Support regarding application compatibility with App Gateway.

      When viewing the report, use the options available in the Actions menu to distribute the reports for use in any correspondence with Technical Support regarding App Gateway connection issues. See Working with Reports for more information about the Actions menu.

      All reports generated by App Gateway Diagnostics are available on the Reports page in the Shared Reports > AppGateway folder. See Managing Reports for more information about managing reports.