Creating a Secret for a Website

To create a new secret: 

  1. Navigate to the page to create a new account on a website.

  2. Click the WPF icon in the password text box. A popup window appears:


    You can also right-click in the username or password field and select Secret Server Web Password Filler | Add Secret.


  3. Select a Template for the newly added Secret. The default entry for the Choose a Secret Template field is Web Template because users choose that template most frequently. You can leave the default entry or click into the field to change it. When you begin typing, the application will display options based on your input, which you can click to select. Click Next to continue.


  4. The Add Account to Secret Server pop-up appears:


Selecting a Folder

The default entry for the Choose a Folder field is a folder that was created automatically for you, named after your login name. You can leave the default entry or click into the field to change it. When you begin typing, the application will display options based on your input, which you can click to select.

The default folder can be changed by the user via the Add Secret pop-up by typing a folder name and selecting from the list.


Adding Accounts

The default entry for this field is Local. You can leave the default entry or click the drop-down arrow to choose from the available options.

  1. Click OK. Another Add Account to Secret Server pop-up appears, with some fields filled automatically based on the current website.


    If you are setting up a secret for Microsoft Online, leave the pop-up as is (do not close it) and read Using WPF with Microsoft Online Services before continuing.

  2. The Secret Name text box is pre-filled by WPF, you may customize to a sensible name that identifies the secret well in a multi-user environment.
  3. Type your username for the website for User Name.
  4. If this is a new account, click Generate to create a strong password for the site. Otherwise, use the existing password for the website.
  5. Click Save. WPF closes The Add Account Secret Server pop-up and populates the "new account" based on the entered information. A secret is now available for the password and name on this website main login page.

Not all websites work with WPF populating the "new account" information for you. There are ways around that, like creating the website account first outside of WPF, and then using those credentials.

Syncing Recent and Favorite Lists with Secret Server

Users' Recent lists are synced between Web Password Filler and Secret Server. WPF currently displays all secrets in the Recents tab as there currently is no 'All Secrets' tab. Secrets are ordered from most-recent to least-recent where the least-recent would include web-based secrets that have never been used in Web Password Filler. You can search for web secrets from the Recent list in Web Password Filler using any searchable field.

Web Password Filler lists secrets from any templates with a URL field or a URL list.

Web Password Filler also syncs the Favorite list between the browser extension and Secret Server.

Refreshing the Recent and Favorites List

The refresh button on the Recent and Favorites page allows a user to update their lists after adding/editing or deleting a Secret. The Refresh is supported by hover text Refresh Secrets.


After refreshing the refresh button is deactivated for 30 seconds.


Recents are pulled from Secret Server and can be secrets that were recently accessed through Web Password Filler, through the Secret Server web UI, or through other means, such as the Delinea Mobile app. Secrets under Favorites are pulled from the Secret Server favorites list for the user account.