Launching Comma-Separated URLs

When you save multiple URLs under the URL field for a secret, the system displays these URLs in a dropdown list on a new row. You can select and launch your desired URL using the custom web launcher.

Creating a Secret Template

To use the custom web launcher, you first need to create a secret template:

  1. In the Secret Templates tab inside Secret Server, click Create Template.

  2. Give the new template a name and click Save.

  3. In the Secret Templates tab inside Secret Server, find the secret template you just created and click Duplicate.


  4. Choose a name for the duplicate template and click Save.


  5. Inside the duplicate template, navigate to the Fields tab and click Add Field.


  6. Create a new field with the name 'URL List'. Click Save.

    You can choose any Data Type except URL List, List or URL.

  7. Click the Mapping tab.


  8. In the Launcher Mapping section, click Edit.


  9. In the URL  dropdown menu, select user input and click Save.


  10. In the Launcher Restriction section, enable Restrict User Input.


  11. In the Restrict As dropdown menu, select Allowed List.


  12. In the Restrict by Secret Field dropdown menu, select URL List and click Save.


Using the Custom Web Launcher

To use the custom web launcher, follow these steps:

  1. Create a secret with the newly created template.


  2. Input the Secret Name, URL, Username and Password.


  3. In the URL List, enter the needed URLs, separated by a comma and click Create Secret.


  4. Inside the secret, navigate to the Launchers section and click Web Password Filler.
