How Do I Accommodate Legacy or Conflicting Identity Information?

If you plan to migrate existing UNIX and Linux users to Active Directory, you might have users that already have different login names or UIDs on multiple UNIX or Linux computers. For file and directory ownership to continue uninterrupted, those users must be able to continue using those legacy identity attributes.

To accommodate different login names and UIDs on different computers, you can create computer-level overrides that let you change just those UNIX attributes you need to change for individual UNIX or Linux computers. The legacy attributes remain tied to a single Active Directory account, but enable you to deploy with no changes to your existing environment.

To set computer-level overrides

  1. Expand Zones and parent and child zones to find the zone for the computer requiring an override.

  2. Expand Computers to display the computer requiring an override.

  3. Expand the computer name and UNIX Data.

  4. Right-click Users under the selected computer, click Add User to Zone

  5. Search for and select the Active Directory user.

  6. Select the UNIX properties to change in the user’s UNIX profile.

    For example, you can change the UID used for the selected user. The new profile attribute is only used on the computer where you make the change.

  7. Set the new value, then click OK.

For all other computers in the selected zone and in other zones, the user’s UNIX profile remains unchanged. You can change any or all profile attributes on other computers to accommodate your legacy identity information.