
Determines whether the user’s UNIX profile is enabled for access to the zone. This attribute is only applicable in classic zones and for backwards compatibility.


bool UnixEnabled {get; set;}

Property value

Returns true if the user’s UNIX profile is enabled for access in a classic zone, or false if the UNIX profile is not enabled for access to the zone.


The UnixEnabled attribute determines whether a specific profile is enabled or disabled for access to the zone. If this property is set to true, the user’s UNIX profile can be used to access the current zone. If this property is set false, the user cannot log on to computers in the zone using the disabled UNIX profile.


UnixEnabled throws an InvalidOperationException if the user is assigned to a hierarchical zone.


The following code sample illustrates using UnixEnabledv in a script:

'Get the zone object  
Set objZone = cims.GetZone("ajax.org/UNIX/Zones/pilot")  
'Get the user object  
set objUser = cims.GetUserByPath("LDAP://CN=pat.hu,CN=Users,DC=ajax,DC=org")  
'Disable the user’s UNIX profile in this zone  
objUserUnixProfile.UnixEnabled = False  