
The Role class represents a user access role.


public interface IRole


The Role class provides the following methods:

Method Description
AddCommand Adds a command right to the role.
AddNetworkAccess Adds a network application access right to the role.
AddPamAccess Adds a PAM application access right to the role.
AddSsh Adds an SSH application access right to the role.
AddWindowsApplication Adds a Windows application right to the role.
AddWindowsDesktop Adds a Windows desktop right to the role.
Assign Adds a trustee to the role at the zone or computer level.
ClearCustomAttributes VBScript interface to clear the custom attributes for this class.
Commit Commits changes to the role to Active Directory.
Delete Deletes the role from Active Directory.
GetCommands Returns all command rights added to the role.
ICustomAttributeContainer GetCustomAttributeContainer .NET interface that returns the directory entry for the parent container object for the custom attributes for this class.
GetNetworkAccesses Returns the collection of all network application access rights added to this role.
GetPamAccesses Returns all PAM application access rights added to the role.
GetSshRights Returns all SSH application access rights added to the role.
GetWindowsApplications Returns the collection of all Windows application rights added to this role.
GetWindowsDesktops Returns the collection of all Windows desktop rights added to this role.
IsApplicable Indicates whether the role is valid in a specified time period.
RemoveAllRights Removes all rights from the role.
RemoveCommand Removes a specific command right from the role.
RemoveNetworkAccess Removes a specific PAM application right from the role.
RemovePamAccess Removes a specific PAM application right from the role.
RemoveSshRight Removes a specific SSH application right from the role.
RemoveWindowsApplication Removes a specific Windows application access right from the role.
RemoveWindowsDesktop Removes a specific Windows desktop right from the role.
GetSshRight Sets a day of the week on which the role is active or inactive.
SetApplicableHour Sets a day and hour of the week for which the role is active or inactive.
SetCustomAttribute VBScript interface to set the custom attributes for this class.


The Role class provides the following properties:

Property Description
AllowLocalUser Determines whether the role allows local users.
ApplicableTimeHexString Gets or sets the time at which the role is active, in hex format.
CustomAttributes VBScript only: Gets or sets custom attributes for this class.
Description Gets or sets the description of the role.
Guid Gets the GUID for this role.
IsReadable Indicates whether the role is readable.
IsWritable Indicates whether the role is writable.
Name Gets or sets the name of the role.
SystemRights Gets or sets the system rights granted to the role.
Zone Gets the zone to which this role belongs.