`[title]: # (Type) [tags]: # (windows api) [priority]: # (21)


Gets the type of the UNIX group profile.


GroupUnixProfileType Type {get;}

Property value

Returns one of the following numeric values depending on how the UNIX group profile is stored:

  • 0 indicates the group profile is a standard Delinea UNIX profile.

  • 1 indicates the profile is a private group stored in a Private Groups container.

  • 2 indicates the profile is a Delinea SFU profile.

  • 3 indicates the profile is a local group.


The Private group type is only applicable to early versions of Delinea software. It is not a valid group profile type in version 4.0 and later.


The following code sample illustrates using Type in a script:

set objZone = cims.GetZoneByPath("LDAP://CN=research,
CN=zones,CN=centrify,CN=program data,DC=sierra,DC=com")  
'Identify the Active Directory group  
Set objGroup =
'Get the UNIX profile for the group in the zone  
set objGroupUnixProfile = objGroupUnixProfiles.Find(objZone)  
Select Case objGroupUnixProfile.Type  
Case 0  
wScript.Echo "Standard group"  
Case 1  
wScript.Echo "Private group"  
Case 2  
wScript.Echo "SFU group"  
End Select  