
The Command class represents a command right.


public interface ICommand : IRight


The Command class provides the following methods:

Method Description
Commit Commits changes in the right to Active Directory. (Inherited from Right.)
Delete Removes the right. (Inherited from Right.)


The Command class provides the following properties:

Property Description
AllowNestedExecution If true, allows the command to start another program or open a new shell.
AuthenticationType Specifies the type of authentication required to run a command.
CommandPattern Gets or sets the command string that is matched to identify the command.
CommandPatternType Gets or sets the type of pattern used to match the command.
Description Gets or sets the description of the right. (Inherited from Right.)
DzdoRunAsGroupList Gets or sets the list of groups allowed to run this command using dzdo.
DzdoRunAsUserList Gets or sets the list of users and groups allowed to run this command using dzdo.
DzshRunAsUser Gets or sets the user this command runs as when executed with dzsh.
Guid Gets the GUID of the right.
IsReadable Indicates whether the right is readable. (Inherited from Right.)
IsResetVariables Resets or removes a default set of environment variables when running the command.
IsWritable Indicates whether the right is writable. (Inherited from Right.)
MatchPath Gets or sets the path for matching the specified command name.
Name Gets or sets the name of the right. (Inherited from Right.)
PreserveGroupMembership Determines whether to retain the user's group membership while executing a command.
UMask Gets or sets the UMask value to use for the command.
VariablesToAdd Gets or sets the list of environment name-value pairs to add, such as var1=a,var2=b,var3=c.
VariablesToKeepOrDelete Gets or sets the list of environment variables to keep or delete.
Weight Gets or sets the weight for this command.
Zone Gets the zone to which this right belongs. (Inherited from Right.)


A command right controls who has permission to run a specific command in a zone.