ADEdit Tcl Procedure Library Reference

This section describes the commands in the ade_lib Tcl library. The command descriptions are in alphabetical order. The syntax of each command shows optional elements in [square brackets] and variables in italics.


Use the add_user_to_group command to add an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.


add_user_to_group user group


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Desription
user string Required. Specifies the user principal name (UPN) of the Active Directory user to add.
group string Required. Specifies the UPN of the Active Directory group to which to add the user.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.



Related Tcl library commands

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets its password.
  • create_adgroup creates a new Active Directory group account and specifies its scope.
  • create_user creates a new zone user based on an existing Active Directory user, assigns field values to the new user, and saves the new user to Active Directory.
  • create_group creates a new zone group based on an existing Active Directory group, assigns it a UNIX name and group ID, and saves the new group to Active Directory.
  • remove_user_from_group removes an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


Use the convert_msdate command to specify a Microsoft date value from an Active Directory object field such as pwdLastSet and convert it into a human-readable form.


convert_msdate msdate


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
msdate string Required. Specifies the Microsoft date value for conversion.

Return value

This command returns the day of the week, the day of the month, the time of day using a 24-hour clock, the time zone, and the year.


convert_msdate [get_object_field pwdLastSet]

This example returns converted into a format similar to this:

Thu Mar 24 14:40:26 PDT 2010

The unseen value returned by get_object_field pwdLastSet in this example was 12914026824062500, which was converted to a human-readable time and date.

Related Tcl library commands



Use the create_adgroup command to create a new Active Directory group account with a specified distinguished name (DN), sAMAccountName, and group scope.


create_adgroup dn sam gscope`


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
dn string Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the new group.
sam string Required. Specifies the sAMAccountName of the new group.
gscope string Required. Specifies the scope for the new group. The possible values are: global universal local (for Domain local)

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_adgroup {CN=pubs,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=com} pubs global

This example creates the group pubs with a global scope in the Active Directory Users container.

create_adgroup {CN=ApacheAdmins,OU=Unix Groups,OU=ACME,DC=acme,DC=com} pubs global

This example creates the group ApacheAdmins in the organizational unit Unix Groups, which is in the organizational unit ACME.

Related Tcl library commands

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets its password.
  • create_user creates a new zone user based on an existing Active Directory user, assigns field values to the new user, and saves the new user to Active Directory.
  • create_group creates a new zone group based on an existing Active Directory group, assigns it a UNIX name and group ID, and saves the new group to Active Directory.
  • add_user_to_group adds an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.
  • remove_user_from_group removes an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


Use the create_aduser command to create a new Active Directory user account with a specified distinguished name (DN), user principal name (UPN), sAMAccountName, and password.


create_aduser dn upn sam pw ?dname? ?gname? ?spn? ?gecos?


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
dn string Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the new user.
upn string Required. Specifies the user principal name of the new user.
sam string Required. Specifies the sAMAccountName of the new user.
pw string Required. Specifies the password for the new user.
dname string Optional. Specifies the displayName for the new user.
gname string Optional. Specifies the givenName for the new user.
spn string Optional. Specifies the servicePrincipalName for the new user.
gecos string Optional. Specifies the gecos for the new user.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_aduser {CN=ulysses urkham,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=com} ulysses.urkham {5$6fEr2B}

This example creates a new Active Directory user account

Related Tcl library commands

  • create_adgroup creates a new Active Directory group account and specifies its scope.
  • create_user creates a new zone user based on an existing Active Directory user, assigns field values to the new user, and saves the new user to Active Directory.
  • create_group creates a new zone group based on an existing Active Directory group, assigns it a UNIX name and group ID, and saves the new group to Active Directory.
  • add_user_to_group adds an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.
  • remove_user_from_group removes an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


Use the create_assignment command to create a new role assignment for a user or group and save it to Active Directory.


create_assignment upn role[/zonename] [from] [to] [description]


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
upn string Required. Specifies the user principal name of the Active Directory user or group to whom to assign the role.
role*/[zonename]* string Required. Specifies the name of the role to assign and (optional) the name of the zone in which the role is assigned. If the zone name is present, a slash(/) separates the role name and the zone name. If the zone name isn’t present, the role assignment occurs in the currently selected zone.
from string Optional. Specifies the start date and time for the role assignment. The start date and time can be expressed using the format: yr-mon-day hour:min
to string Optional. Specifies the expiration date and time for the role is assignment. The expiration date and time can be expressed using the format: yr-mon-day hour:min
description string Optional. Specifies a description of the role assignment.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_assignment admin/support {} {} “Test assignment”

This example creates a role assignment for the rights defined in the role “admin” from the “support” zone to the user Ulysses Urkham. The role assignment is set to start immediately (by specifying ) and never expire (by specifying the second ) and has an optional description.

create_assignment amy@example.demo mgr {2021-03-31 10:51} {2021-03-31 12:51}

This example creates a role assignment for the rights defined in the role “mgr” from the current zone to the user This role assignment is set to start at a specific time and expire two hours later and has no description.

Related Tcl library commands



Use the create_dz_command command to create a new UNIX privileged command in the currently selected zone.


create_dz_command dzc cmd ?desc? ?form? ?dzdo_runas? ?dzsh_runas? ?flags? ?pri? ?umask? ?path? ?selinux_role? ?selinux_type?


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
name string Required. Specifies the name to assign to the new UNIX command.
command string Required. Specifies the UNIX command string or strings. You can use wild cards or a regular expression.
description string Optional. Specifies text describing the UNIX command.
form integer Optional. Specifies whether the command and path strings use wild cards (0) or a regular expression (1).
dzdo_runas string Optional. Specifies the list of users and groups that can run this command under dzdo (similar to sudo). Users can be listed by user name or UID.
selinux_role string Optional. Specifies the SELinux role to use when constructing a new security context for command execution. Note that selinux_role is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems and effective only on systems with SELinux enabled and joined to a hierarchical zone.
selinux_type string Optional. Specifies the SELinux type to use when constructing a new security context for command execution. Note that selinux_type is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems and effective only on systems with SELinux enabled and joined to a hierarchical zone.
dzsh_runas string Optional. Specifies the list of users and groups that can run this command in the restricted shell environment (dzsh). Users can be listed by user name or UID.
flags integer Optional. Specifies an integer that defines a combination of different properties for the command. For more information about setting this field, see set_dzc_field.
pri integer Optional. Specifies the command priority for the restricted shell command object. For more information about setting this field, see set_dzc_field.
umask integer Optional. Specifies an integer that defines who can execute the command. For more information about setting this field, see set_dzc_field.
path string Optional. Specifies the path to the command’s location. You can use wild cards, a regular expression, or one of the following keywords: USERPATH to set to the command path to the equivalent of the Standard user path option. SYSTEMPATH to set to the path to the equivalent of the Standard system path option. SYSTEMSEARCHPATH to set to the path to the equivalent of the System search path option. If you don’t specify this argument, the default is USERPATH.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_dz_command testvi vi {Test UNIX command vi} {} {sfapps:perez,cody} {} {16}

Related Tcl library commands



Use the create_group command to create a new zone group for the currently selected zone. This command creates the new group based on an existing Active Directory group. It also assigns the new group a new UNIX profile that includes the UNIX group name and the UNIX group numeric identifier (GID).


create_group upn name gid ?req?


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
upn string Required. Specifies the user principal name of the Active Directory group to use as the basis for the new zone group.
name string Required. Specifies the UNIX group name of the new zone group. For hierarchical zones only, specifying “-” unsets the name value.
gid string Required. Specifies the UNIX group ID to assign to the new zone group. For hierarchical zones only, specifying “-” unsets the gid value.
req string Optional. Specifies whether the zone group is required. Set the value to 1, y, yes, or true if the group is required in the zone or to 0, n, no, or false if the group in not required in the zone. All other values throw an exception. If a group is required, users cannot remove the group from their active set of groups.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_group pubs 1094

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets its password.
  • create_adgroup creates a new Active Directory group account and specifies its scope.
  • create_user creates a new zone user based on an existing Active Directory user, assigns field values to the new user, and saves the new user to Active Directory.
  • add_user_to_group adds an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.
  • remove_user_from_group removes an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


Use the create_nismap command to create a new NIS map in the currently selected zone.


create_nismap map key:value comment


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
map string Required. Specifies the name of the new NIS map
key string Required. Specifies the key of the NIS map entry.
value string Required. Specifies the value of the NIS map entry.
comment string Required. Specifies the comment for the NIS map entry.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_nismap animals {{cat:1 {The cat says "Mew\!".}} {cow:1 {The cow says "Moo\!".}}}



Use the create_pam_app command to create a new PAM application access right in the currently selected zone.


create_pam_app name application description


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
name string Required. Specifies the name to assign to the new PAM application access right.
application string Required. Specifies the name of the PAM application that is allowed to use the adclient PAM authentication service. The name can be literal, or it can contain ? or * wild card characters to specify multiple applications. Note that in a classic zone, setting the application field changes the name of the PAM application right. For example, assume you create a new PAM application right in a classic zone using a command like this: create_pam_app myftp newftp “Sample PAM FTP application”. The PAM application right itself will be renamed as newftp:list_pam_appsnewftp:Sample PAM FTP application. Therefore, in a classic zone, you should always specify the same string for the name and application arguments. In a hierarchical zone, you can specify different strings for the arguments.
description string Optional. Specifies the text describing the PAM application.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_pam_app testvi vi {Test UNIX command vi}



Use the create_role command to create a new role definition in the currently selected zone.


create_role name description sysrights pamrights cmdrights allowlocal rsenv visible


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
name string Required. Specifies the name to assign to the new role.
description string Specifies the text string that describes the role.
sysrights integer Specifies the system rights granted to the role. This value is an integer that represents a combination of binary flags, one for each system right. This field is not applicable in classic zones.
pamrights[/zonename] string Specifies the PAM application rights to add to the currently selected role. If the PAM application right that you want to add is defined in the current zone, the zonename argument is optional. If the PAM application right is defined in a zone other than the currently selected zone, the zonename argument is required to identify the specific PAM application right to add.
cmdrights[/zonename] string Specifies the UNIX command rights to add to the currently selected role. If the UNIX command right that you want to add is defined in the current zone, the zonename argument is optional. If the UNIX command right is defined in a zone other than the currently selected zone, the zonename argument is required to identify the specific UNIX command right to add.
allowlocal Boolean Specifies whether local users can be assigned to the role. If this argument is specified, local users can be assigned to the role. This argument is only applicable if the zone is a hierarchical zone.
rsenv string Specifies a restricted shell environment for the role you are creating. This argument is only applicable if the zone is a classic zone.
visible Boolean Specifies whether the account profiles for Active Directory users in the role are visible on computers in the zone. This argument is only applicable if the zone is a hierarchical zone.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_role dba {Database admins - US} 11 {{oracle} {ftp}} {{testvi} {ora-stp}}



Use the create_rs_command command to create a new restricted shell command for the currently selected restricted shell environment.


create_rs_command rsc_name cmd description form dzsh_runas flags pri umask path


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
rsc_name string Required. Specifies the name of the restricted shell command.
cmd string Required. Specifies the restricted shell command string or strings. You can use wild cards or a regular expression.
description string Optional. Specifies the text describing the restricted shell command.
form integer Optional. Indicates whether the cmd and path strings use wild cards (0) or a regular expression (1).
dzsh_runas string Optional. Specifies the list of users and groups that can run this command in a restricted shell environment (dzsh). Users can be listed by user name or UID.
flags string Optional. Specifies an integer that specifies a combination of different properties for the command. For more information about setting this field, see set_rsc_field.
pri integer Optional. Specifies the command priority for the restricted shell command object. For more information about setting this field, see set_rsc_field.
umask integer Optional. Specifies an integer that defines who can execute the command. For more information about setting this field, see set_rsc_field.
path string Optional. Specifies the path to the restricted command. You can use wild cards, a regular expression, or one of the following keywords: USERPATH to set to the command path to the equivalent of the Standard user path option. SYSTEMPATH to set to the path to the equivalent of the Standard system path option. SYSTEMSEARCHPATH to set to the path to the equivalent of the System search path option. If you don’t specify this argument, the default is USERPATH.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_rs_command test_id id {Sample restricted command description}

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_rs_env creates a new restricted shell environment.


Use the create_rs_env command to create a new restricted shell environment for the currently selected zone.


create_rs_env rse_name rse_description


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
rse_name string Required. Specifies the name of the new restricted shell environment.
rse_description string Optional. Specifies the description for the new restricted shell environment.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_rs_env restrictedenv “This is a restricted shell environment”

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_rs_command creates a new restricted shell command.


Use the create_user command to create a new zone user for the currently selected zone. This command creates the new user based on an existing Active Directory user. It also assigns the new user a new UNIX profile that includes the user name, user ID, primary group ID, GECOS data, home directory, shell type, and role (or in classic zones whether the user is enabled or disabled).

You can assign the new user a role in a non-classic zone or you can enable or disable the new user in a classic zone. In a non-classic zone, create_user uses whatever role you specify to create a new role assignment object that links the new zone user to the specified role.


create_user UPN uname uid gid gecos home shell role


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
UPN string Required. Specifies the user principal name of the Active Directory user to use as the basis for the new zone user.
uname string Required. Specifies the user name of the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the user name.
uid string Required. Specifies the user ID for the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the user ID.
gid string Required. Specifies the group ID for the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the group ID.
gecos string Required. Specifies the GECOS value (new user account information) for the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the GECOS value. You can’t set the GECOS value if the currently selected zone is a classic zone.
home string Required. Specifies the home directory for the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the home directory.
shell string Required. Specifies the shell type for the new zone user. For hierarchical zones, you can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the shell type.
role string or Boolean value Required. For classic zones, this argument determines whether to enable or disable the new zone user. A value of 1, Y, or y enables the user. Any other value disables the user. For hierarchical zones, this argument identifies the role to assign to the new zone user. You can specify a dash (-) for this argument if you don’t want to set the role. However, a role must be assigned before the new zone user has access to computers in hierarchical zones.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


create_user ulysses 1005 - - %{home}/%{user} %{shell} -

This example creates a zone user “ulysses” based on the Active Directory user It sets a UID, does not set a GID or GECOS value by using dashes, sets home and shell values, and does not set a role value (specified by using a dash).

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets its password.
  • create_adgroup creates a new Active Directory group account and specifies its scope.
  • create_group creates a new zone group based on an existing Active Directory group, assigns it a UNIX name and group ID, and saves the new group to Active Directory.
  • add_user_to_group adds an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.
  • remove_user_from_group removes an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


Use the decode_timebox command to convert an internal timebox value that defines when a role is enabled or disabled into a format that can be evaluated. The command converts the internal hexadecimal value for a role timebox to a hexadecimal timebox value format as described in Timebox Value Format.

The command returns a 168-bit value in hexadecimal format that delineates the hours of the week from midnight Sunday to 11 PM Saturday in order from most-significant bit to least-significant bit. If a bit is set to 1, its corresponding hour is enabled for the role. If set to 0, its corresponding hour is disabled.

This command is useful for deciphering the value returned by the get_role_field for the timebox field.


decode_timebox strTimeBox


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
strTimeBox hex A 42-digit hexadecimal timebox value. A value of zero disables all hours of the week. A value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF enables all hours of the week.

Return value

This command returns a decoded hexadecimal value that is the timebox value for a role.


>select_role test1  
>get_role_field timebox  
>package require ade_lib  
>decode_timebox [grf timebox]

This example returns the decoded 42 hexadecimal that indicates the role is disabled from midnight to one on Sunday:


The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • encode_timebox converts a readable timebox value to an internal timebox format.
  • modify_timebox defines an hour of the week and enables or disables that hour in the timebox value.


Use the encode_timebox command to convert a human-readable timebox value that defines the when a role is enabled or disabled to an internal timebox value format.

The command converts the hexadecimal timebox value format described in Timebox Value Format to the internal hexadecimal value for a role. The command accepts a 168-bit value in hexadecimal format that delineates the hours of the week from midnight Sunday to 11 PM Saturday from most-significant bit to leastsignificant bit. If a bit is set to 1, its corresponding hour is enabled for the role. If set to 0, its corresponding hour is disabled.

This command is useful for setting the timebox field with the set_role_field command.


encode_timebox strTimeBox


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
strTimeBox hex A 42-digit hexadecimal timebox value. A value of zero disables all hours of the week. A value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF enables all hours of the week.

Return value

This command returns a decoded hexadecimal value that is the timebox value for a role.


>package require ade_lib  
>encode_timebox \$tb

This example returns the encoded 42 hexadecimal that indicates the role is disabled from midnight to one on Sunday:


The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • decode_timebox converts an internal timebox value to a decipherable format.
  • modify_timebox defines an hour of the week and enables or disables that hour in the timebox value.


Use the explain_groupType command to convert a groupType value from an Active Directory object field into human-readable form.


explain_groupType gt


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
gt string Required. A groupType value for conversion.

Return value

This command returns a hexadecimal version of the supplied value followed by the names of any flags that are set in the value.


explain_groupType [get_object_field groupType]

This example returns:


The unseen value returned by get_object_field groupType in this example was -2147483644, which was converted to the hexadecimal value 80000004 and the name of the set flag DOMAIN_LOCALSECURITY.

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • explain_trustAttributes converts a trustAttributes value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_trustDirection converts a trustDirection value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_userAccountControl converts a userAccountControl value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.


Use the explain_ptype command to translate the account type for a role assignment into a descriptive text string.


explain_ptype pt


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
pt string Required. Specifies the ptype value returned for a role assignment that you want to convert to a text string.

Return value

This command returns a text string that describes the type of account associated with a role assignment.


select_role_assignment "lulu@acme.test/UNIX Login"  
get_role_assignment_field ptype  
explain_ptype a

This example returns:

All AD users

The following table summarizes the descriptive names for different account types that can be associated with a role assignment:

Account type
Local UNIX user #
Local UNIX group %
Local Windows User $
Local Windows Group :
All AD users a
All Unix users x
All Windows users w


Use the explain_trustAttributes command to convert a trustAttributes value from an Active Directory object field into human-readable form.


explain_trustAttributes ta


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
ta string Required. A trustAttributes value for conversion.

Return value

This command returns a hexadecimal version of the supplied value followed by the names of any flags that are set in the value.


explain_trustAttributes [get_object_field trustAttributes]

This example returns:


The unseen value returned by get_object_field trustAttributes in this example was 8, which was converted to the hexadecimal value 8 and the name of the set flag DOMAIN_LOCALSECURITY.

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • explain_groupType converts a groupType value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_trustDirection converts a trustDirection value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_userAccountControl converts a userAccountControl value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.


Use the explain_trustDirection command to convert a trustDirection value from an Active Directory object field into human-readable form.


explain_trustDirection td


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
td string Required. A trustDirection value for conversion.

Return value

This command returns the English version of the trust direction specified by the trustDirection value.


explain_trustDirection [get_object_field trustDirection]

This example returns:


The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • explain_groupType converts a groupType value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_trustAttributes converts a trustAttributes value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_userAccountControl converts a userAccountControl value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.


Use the explain_userAccountControl command to convert a userAccountControl value from an Active Directory object field into a human-readable form.


explain_userAccountControl uac


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
uac string Required. A userAccountControl value for conversion.

Return value

This command returns a hexadecimal version of the supplied value followed by the names of any flags that are set in the value.


explain_userAccountControl [get_object_field userAccountControl]



The unseen value returned by get_object_field userAccountControl in this example was 66048, which was converted to the hexadecimal value 10200 and the name of the set flags ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT and ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD.

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • explain_groupType converts a groupType value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_trustAttributes converts a trustAttributes value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.
  • explain_trustDirection converts a trustDirection value from an Active Directory object into human-readable form.


Use the get_all_zone_users command to check Active Directory and return a list of zone users defined within the specified zone and all of its parent zones. If executed in a script, this command does not output its list to stdout, and no output appears in the shell where the script is executed.

Note that this command does not use the currently selected zone to find its list of users. It uses instead the zone specified as an argument for the command. It ignores the currently selected zone. The selected zone remains the selected zone after the command executes.


get_all_zone_users [-upn] zone_DN




This command takes the following option:

Option Type Description
-upn string Return user names in the Tcl list as universal principal names (UPNs).


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
zone_DN string Required. The distinguished name (DN) of the zone for which to return users.

Return value

This command returns a Tcl list of zone users defined in the currently selected zone and all of its parent zones. Each entry in the list is in the format sAMAccountName@domain. If a zone user is an orphan user (its corresponding Active Directory user no longer exists), the user is listed by its security identifier (SID) instead of the sAMAccountName.

If the -upn option is present, each entry in the returned Tcl list is a universal principal name (UPN).


get_all_zone_users engineering

The example returns the list of zone users:


The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_user creates a new zone user and user profile based on a specified Active Directory user.
  • create_group creates a new zone group and group profile based on a specified Active Directory group.
  • get_effective_groups returns a Tcl list of groups to which a specified user belongs.


Use the get_effective_groups command to return the list of effective groups from current zone up the zone hierarchy. Only groups who have a complete profile—whether defined in the current zone or inherited from a parent zone—are included.

The command supports hierarchical zone and classic zones. For classic zones, the command starts from current zone. For hierarchical zones, you can start the search for effective groups at the computer level by specifying the -hostname option.

You can use the adinfo command to return the computer name.


get_effective_groups [-hostname computer_name]


This command takes the following option:

Option Type Description
-hostname string Specifies the name of the computer to start the search at the computer or computer role level if you run the command in a hierarchical zone with computer-level overrides or computer roles. If you don’t specify this option, the search starts in the current zone and computer roles are ignored.

Return value

This command returns a Tcl list of groups with complete profiles in the currently selected zone and all of its parent zones.


get_effective_groups -hostname

The example returns the list of effective groups starting at the computer level for the computer named


Use the get_effective_users command to return the list of effective users from current zone up the zone hierarchy. Only users who have a complete profile—whether defined in the current zone or inherited from a parent zone—are included. Similarly, only users who have a role assignment in the current zone or inherited from a parent zone are included.

The command supports hierarchical zone and classic zones. For classic zones, the command starts from current zone. For hierarchical zones, you can start the search for effective users at the computer level by specifying the -hostname option.


get_effective_users [-hostname computer_name]


This command takes the following option:

Option Type Description
-hostname string Specifies the name of the computer to start the search at the computer or computer role level if you run the command in a hierarchical zone with computer-level overrides or computer roles. If you don’t specify this option, the search starts in the current zone and computer roles are ignored.

Return value

This command returns a Tcl list of users with complete profiles and at least one role assignment in the currently selected zone and all of its parent zones.


get_effective_users -hostname

The example returns the list of effective users starting at the computer level for the computer named


Use the get_user_groups command to check Active Directory for a specified user and return a list of the groups to which the user belongs. If executed in a script, this command does not output its list to stdout, and no output appears in the shell where the script is executed.


get_user_groups [-dn] [-z] user_DN|user_UPN




This command takes the following options:

Option Description
-dn Return groups in the Tcl list as distinguished names (DNs) instead of user principal names (UPNs).
-z Restricts the Tcl list of groups to groups that belong to the current zone.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
user_DN|user_UPN string Required. The user whose groups to return. This argument may specify the user with a distinguished name (DN) or a user principal name (UPN).

Return value

This command used without options returns a Tcl list of all groups listed in Active Directory to which the specified user belongs. Each entry in the list is the user principal name (UPN) of a group that you can use to look up that group.

If the -dn option is set, the Tcl list uses distinguished names (DNs) for groups.

If the -z option is set, the Tcl list is restricted to groups that belong to the currently selected zone.

Note that the command will not return groups for domains that aren’t currently bound to ADEdit. If the command finds one or more groups outside of the currently bound domains, it will return a “no binding” message for each unbound domain in which it finds a user’s group.



This example returns a list of groups:

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_group creates a new zone group and group profile based on a specified Active Directory group.
  • create_user creates a new zone user and user profile based on a specified Active Directory user.
  • get_all_zone_users returns a Tcl list of zone users for the specified zone and all of its parent zones.


Use the get_user_role_assignments command to retrieve all of the role assignments in the current zone for a specified user. This command returns all of the role assignments from the groups to which the user belongs and the role assignments assigned directly to the user account.

The command checks Active Directory for the user you specify, identifies the groups that the user is a member of, then returns all the role assignments for the list of groups the user is a member and that have been specifically assigned to the user account, including any user role assignments made in computer roles for the currently selected zone.


get_user_role_assignments [-visible] [-hostname hostname] user_DN




This command takes the following option:

Option Description
-visible Specifies that you want to return only visible role assignments in the zone. Use this option to return role assignments for the roles that are identified as visible. This option is only applicable in hierarchical zones.
-hostname Specifies the computer name to search for role assignments to the user in computer roles. If you set this option, the command checks for computer role assignments in the currently selected zone.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
user_DN string Required. Specifies the user whose role assignments you want to return. You can use this argument to specify the distinguished name (DN) for a user or a group.

Return value

This command returns a list of all role assignments for the specified Active Directory user in the currently selected zone.

Note that the command does not return role assignments for all zones where the user might be assigned a role.




This example returns a list of groups:

{ Login/northamerica}

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • get_all_zone_users returns a Tcl list of zone users for the specified zone and all of its parent zones.
  • get_effective_groups returns a list of the groups to which the user belongs.


Use the list_zones command to list the zones within a specified domain along with information about each zone. If executed in a script, this command outputs its list to stdout so that the output appears in the shell where the script is executed. The command does not return a Tcl list back to the executing script. Use the ADEdit command get_zones to return a Tcl list.


list_zones domain


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
domain string Required. The name of the domain in which to list zones.

Return value

This command returns a list to stdout of the zones within the specified domain. Each entry in the list contains:

  • `The zone’s distinguished name (DN)
  • `The zone type: tree (supported in Server Suite 2012 or later), classic3 or classic4
  • `The schema used in the zone

Each entry component is separated from the next by a colon (:).



This example returns a list of zones similar to this:

{CN=default,CN=Zones,CN=Acme,DC=acme,DC=com} : classic4 : std  
{CN=cz1,CN=Zones,CN=Acme,DC=acme,DC=com} : tree : std  
{CN=cz2,CN=Zones,CN=Acme,DC=acme,DC=com} : tree : std  
{CN=global,CN=Zones,CN=Acme,DC=acme,DC=com} : tree : rfc

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_assignment creates a new role assignment and saves it to Active Directory.
  • precreate_computer creates a zone profile and, if necessary, a new Active Directory computer account.


Use the lmerge command to merge and sort the specified lists. You specify the lists to merge as arguments. You must enclose the list commands you want to merge in square brackets.


lmerge [list1] [list2] [list[...]]


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
[list1] string Specifies the list command that return the information you want to include first in the merged results.
[list2) string Specifies the list command that return the information you want to include second in the merged results.
[list[...]] string Specifies any additional list commands that return information you want to include in the merged results.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


lmerge [list_zone_users] [list_zone_computers] [list_roles]

This example returns a merged list of zone users, zone computers, and zone roles similar to this:

ubu1$ cpus(1) agentVersion(CentrifyDC 5.2.0):  
nic3$ cpus(2) agentVersion(CentrifyDC 5.2.0):  
Rescue - always permit login  
UNIX Login  
Windows Login

You can specify the list arguments using full command names or abbreviations. For example:

lmerge [lszc] [lspa]  
ubu1$ cpus(1) agentVersion(CentrifyDC 5.2.0):  
nic3$ cpus(2) agentVersion(CentrifyDC 5.2.0):  
dzssh-all/Headquarters : dzssh-* : All of ssh services  
login-all/Headquarters : * : Predefined global PAM permission. Do not delete.



Use the modify_timebox command to modify a timebox value that defines the hours of a week when a role is enabled or disabled. The command defines an hour of the week and then enables or disables that hour in the timebox value. This command is very useful in the set_role_field ADEdit command when setting the timebox field.

Execute this command multiple times on a timebox value to set more than one hour in the value.

For more information about the timebox value format, read the Timebox Value Format.


modify_timebox strTimeBox day hour avail


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
strTimeBox hex A 42-digit hexadecimal timebox value. A value of zero disables all hours of the week. A value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF enables all hours of the week.
day integer Required. The day of the week when the hour occurs. 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on to 6=Saturday.
hour integer Required. The hour of the day to enable or disable. Takes a value from 0 to 23. 0 is from midnight to 1 AM, 1 is from 1 AM to 2 AM, and so on to 23, which is from 11 PM to midnight.
avail integer Required. Whether to enable or disable the specified hour. 0=disable; all other values=enable.

Return value

This command returns a hexadecimal value that is the timebox value after enabling or disabling the specified hour of the week.


set tb 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

set tb [modify_timebox $tb 6 23 1]

This example returns the modified timebox value:


The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • decode_timebox converts an internal timebox value to a decipherable format.
  • encode_timebox converts a readable timebox value to an internal timebox format.


Use the precreate_computer command to create a zone profile for a computer in Active Directory before using the adjoin command to join the domain. The zone profile—a serviceConnectionPoint (scp) object—is usually created by the adjoin command when a computer joins the domain. In some cases, however, creating the zone profile before joining is useful. For example, preparing the computer object before joining enables you to check that you have user profiles and role assignments correctly defined before you join UNIX computers to zones. Verifying this information before the join operation helps to ensure a smooth migration without disrupting users’ access to files or applications.

The zone profile is part of an Active Directory computer object. If an Active Directory computer object doesn’t exist, precreate_computer can create one and then add the zone profile to the new Active Directory computer object. The zone profile is created in ADEdit’s currently selected zone. You can also use the precreate_computer command to specify a container where Active Directory will store the new Active Directory computer object.

You can use the precreate_computer command to create a service connection point for a new or existing Active Directory computer object. You can also use the command to create a computer-specific zone for machine-level zone overrides (in essence a one-computer zone) for the precreated computer. You should note that performing these tasks requires access to the global catalog by default. You can intentionally skip the global catalog search if you know the service connection point you are creating is unique in the forest. However, skipping the global catalog search might prevent you from joining the computer to the domain if there is a conflict.

The precreate_computer command also sets the Active Directory computer object’s password and permissions when creating a zone profile. The password is the computer’s host name in lower case. The permissions the computer object has are:

  • Read and Write permissions to the operatingSystemServicePack, operatingSystem, and operatingVersion attributes of the computer object.
  • Read permission for the userAccountControl attribute of the computer object.
  • Validate write to the servicePrincipalName and dNSHostName attributes.

You can use precreate_computer to specify a DNS name for the precreated computer and one or more trustees for the precreated computer. Each trustee can be either a user or a group, and has the rights needed to join the computer to the precreated computer account using adjoin.

Use the precreate_computer command option, enctype, to specify encryption types.

The precreate_computer command is similar to using adjoin -precreate, but provides more options and flexibility. You can also precreate computer accounts using Access Manager. For more information about precreating computer accounts, See the Administrator’s Guide for Linux and UNIX.


precreate_computer *samaccount@domain*[-ad] [-scp] [-czone] [-all] [-container *rdn*]   
[-dnsname *dnsname*] [licensetype *type*] [-trustee *upn*[-trustee *upn*] ...] [nogc]   
[stype *spn* [-stype *spn*] ...] [-enctype type [-enctype type] ...]   
[-notdelegateanyright] [-password <password>]


This command takes the following options:

Option Description
-ad Creates an Active Directory computer object. precreate_computer won’t create an Active Directory computer object if it already exists for the computer specified by the argument upn. Note that if no options specify Active Directory computer object creation and no Active Directory computer object already exists, precreate_computer will fail.
-all Creates an Active Directory computer object (if one doesn’t exist already), a service connection point for the computer object, and a computer zone for the computer object: in essence all of the previous three options combined.
-container Stores the new Active Directory computer object (if created) in the Active Directory container specified by rdn, which is the relative distinguished name (RDN) of the container. The root of the specified Active Directory container is the distinguished name (DN) of the current domain. precreate_computer appends the RDN to the root DN to come up with the container DN.
-czone Creates a computer zone for the computer object.
-dnsname Sets the DNS name for the computer account to the provided DNS name. If this option isn’t present, the precreate_computer command automatically sets the DNS name for the computer account. It derives the DNS name from the computer’s sAMAccount name and the domain name.
-enctype Set the msDS encryption types permitted in precreate _computer command. Default is 31. Options are: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes256-cts aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes128-cts arcfour-hmac, rc4-hmac, arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5, des des-cbc-crc
-licensetype Specifies the type of license a computer uses. The valid values are server workstation
-nogc Allows you to create the computer account without binding to a global catalog domain controller. You should only use this option if you know the computer scp object does not exist in the domain.
-notdelegateanyright Allows you to create the computer account without delegating any rights. If you specify this option, note that the -trustee option has no effect.
-password Specifies the password for the computer. If you don't specify a password, the service uses the default password.
-scp Creates a service connection point for the Active Directory computer object.
-stype Specifies the service principal types to create for a precreated computer account. You can specify multiple -stype options, with each specifying a different service principal type. If you don’t specify this option, the precreate_computer command automatically creates the several default service principal names for the following service principal types: ipp afpserver nfs cifs ftp http host For each type of service, the precreate_computer command specifies two service principal names in the form of serviceName/computerName and serviceName/ For example: ftp/rhel6 ftp/ If you specify one or more -stype options, only the service principal names for those service types are created for the precreated computer account.

Gives the user or group specified by the upn argument permission to join a computer to the precreated computer account. You can specify multiple -trustee options, with each specifying a different user or group, to give multiple users and groups permission to join a precreated computer to a zone.



This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
samaccount@domain string Required. Specifies the name of the computer account and the domain to join. The computer name is the sAMAccountName for the account in the form of computer$. For example: engserv$

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


precreate_computer redhat\$ -trustee  
\-trustee -enctype arcfour-hmac

This example precreates a zone profile in the currently selected zone for the computer “redhat$”, and specifies as trustees the Active Directory users Adam Avery and Martin Moore.

Because the example does not include the -stype option, this example also automatically creates the following default service principal names for services on the computer:

  • ipp/redhat and ipp/
  • afpserver/redhat and afpserver/
  • nfs/redhat and nfs/
  • cifs/redhat and cifs/
  • ftp/redhat and ftp/
  • http/redhat and http/
  • host/redhat and host/

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • list_zones returns a list of zones in a specified domain to stdout.
  • create_assignment creates a new role assignment and saves it to Active Directory.


Use the remove_user_from_group command to remove an Active Directory user from an Active Directory group.


remove_user_from_group user group


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
user string Required. The user principal name (UPN) of the Active Directory user to remove.
group string Required. The UPN of the Active Directory group from which to remove the user.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.



The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets its password.
  • create_adgroup creates a new Active Directory group account and specifies its scope.
  • create_user creates a new zone user and user profile based on an existing Active Directory user.
  • create_group creates a new zone group and group profile based on an existing Active Directory group.
  • add_user_to_group adds an Active Directory user to an Active Directory group.


Use the set_change_pwd_allowed command to modify the ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE flag in the UserAccountControl attribute. This flag controls whether an Active Directory user can change his or her domain password. You must specify the distinguished name of a valid Active Directory user account that should be allowed to change his or her password.


set_change_pwd_allowed userdn


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
userdn string Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the Active Directory user who is allowed to change his or her password.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.



get_object_field sd


This example deselects the “User cannot change password” account property for the Active Directory user frank.smith.

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets the password for the account.
  • set_change_pwd_denied prevents an Active Directory user from changing the domain password for his or her account.


Use the set_change_pwd_denied command to modify the ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE flag in the UserAccountControl attribute. This flag controls whether an Active Directory user can change his or her domain password. You must specify the distinguished name of a valid Active Directory user account that should not be allowed to change his or her password.


set_change_pwd_denied userdn


This command takes no options.


This command takes the following argument:

Argument Type Description
userdn string Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the Active Directory user who is not allowed to change his or her password.

Return value

This command returns nothing if it runs successfully.


set_change_pwd_denied CN=adam.avery,CN=Users,DC=ajax,DC=test

get_object_field sd


This example selects the “User cannot change password” account property for the Active Directory user adam.avery.

The following commands perform actions related to this command:

  • create_aduser creates a new Active Directory user account and sets the password for the account.
  • set_change_pwd_allowed allows an Active Directory user to change the domain password for his or her account.