All Secrets Page
All Secrets is a master table of the secrets stored on Secret Server. It is a one-stop, searchable location for examining the status and properties of secrets. It is a supplement to, not a replacement for, the Folders. It lists and you can sort by secret template, heartbeat status, sync status, machine, access date, username, and much more.
Click the Secrets menu item in the left menu to see the All Secrets Page. Click the >> icon to see the All Secrets folder tree.
Secret Columns
You can customize which columns are displayed by clicking the on the right side of the title bar. The sortable columns available are (the ones displayed by default are bolded):
- Auto Change Enabled
- Checked Out
- Checkout Enabled
- Created
- Days until Expiration
- Deleted
- DoubleLock Enabled
- Folder
- Heartbeat
- Hide Password
- Inherits Permissions
- Last Accessed (When the logged in user last accessed a secret, not the last time a secret was accessed by anyone)
- Machine
- Name
- Notes
- Out of Sync
- Requires Approval
- Requires Comment
- Secret Template
- Username
Quick Launch and Actions
You can quickly access several secret actions from the All Secrets table by hovering the mouse pointer over the secret's row:
- Quick Launch: Secrets that display a rocket icon have secret launchers associated with them. Click the icon and a Select Launcher page appears. Click on the desired launcher from the list.
More Actions: Click the … icon to
- Audit: Brings you to the Audit tab of the secret's page.
- Details: Brings you to the General tab of the secret's page.
- Enter Comment: Brings you to a page for entering a comment before you are allowed to view the secret. Comment ask for information such as reason for viewing and ticketing system.
- Share: Brings you to the Sharing tab of the secret's page.
Other Features
The All Secrets page also allows you to:
- Select multiple secrets for Running Dashboard Bulk Operations by clicking the secret's check box. You can also download multiple secrets in a CSV file by clicking the download icon at the top of the table.
- Select the secret as a favorite by clicking the star icon.
- View supplemental information about the secret by clicking any blank area on the secret's row.
- Click the secret's name to go to that secret's page.
- Filter the secrets shown in the table by template, search text, or activity status.
- Click the Secret Navigation Slideout.