Generating Self-Signed Certificates for Scripts
Please run the following as Administrator.
# This simply generates a self-signed certificate which will import into <Secret Server URL />
# Requires .NET 4.5 or above
# Please Run As Administrator
### User Variables ###
# Filename of PFX
$filename = 'PFXNAMEHERE.PFX'
# Certificate Password for PFX
$pass = Read-Host -Prompt "Please Enter Password for .pfx file" -AsSecureString
# DNS name in certificate
$dnsname = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the server's FQDN"
# NOTE: The provider must be set in order to be compatible with .NET 4.5 newer versions of .NET can import certs from more providers
try {
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\localmachine\my -DnsName $dnsname -HashAlgorithm SHA256 -KeyLength 4096 -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider"
$path = 'cert:\localmachine\my\' + $cert.thumbprint
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $path -FilePath $filename -Password $pass
# remove from cert store
Remove-Item $path
catch { Write-Error $_ }