Primary User

The primary user is calculated by the data reported from the Logon Session inventory policy. The primary user is considered to be the user with the most minutes on the machine.

How to Find the Primary User for a Specific Machine

  1. Navigate to your Local User/Group Summary.

  2. Select the system for which you want to know the primary user.

  3. Click Associations.


  4. This will display the Computer Primary User.

Default Update Primary User for Collection

The default update primary user for collection task calculates the primary user on a schedule from inventory data.

  1. Navigate to Admin | Tasks.

  2. Expand Server Tasks.

  3. Click Local Security.

  4. From here you can run the Update Primary User or the Update Primary User for Collection Task.

    Update Primary User

    The Update Primary User Task only updates the primary user for a given computer resource.