Basic Inventory

Basic Inventory (Initial, Windows), (Initial, macOS), and (Initial, Unix/Linux) are scheduled to run at a client's initial start-up after the agent is installed. The cause of the policy's trigger is the task creation.

The common Basic Inventory is scheduled to run daily at a set time.

For Windows systems the policies instruct the agent on the client system to report the following WMI classes to the server:

  • Win32_ComputerSystem,
  • Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
  • Win32_OperatingSystem WMI

Basic Inventory (Initial, Windows)

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform WMI Basic Inventory (Windows)
Parameters WMI classes: ROOT\CIMV2:WIN32_ComputerSystemProduct, ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_ComputerSystem, ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_OperatingSystem
Triggers Daily at 10:00:00 AM
Upon task creation/modification
Targets All Windows Managed Computers - No Basic Inventory (Target)
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size 250 KB
Agent Received Size n/a
Restrictions None

Basic Inventory (Windows)

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform WMI Basic Inventory (Windows)
Parameters WMI classes: ROOT\CIMV2:WIN32_ComputerSystemProduct, ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_ComputerSystem, ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_OperatingSystem
Triggers Daily at 8:00:00 AM
Targets Windows Computers
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size
Agent Received Size

Basic Inventory (Initial, macOS)

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform Basic Inventory (macOS)
Triggers Daily at 10:00:00 AM
Upon task creation/modification
Targets All macOS Managed Computers - No Basic Inventory (Target)
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size
Agent Received Size

Basic Inventory (macOS)

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform Basic Inventory (macOS)
Triggers Daily at 10:00:00 AM
Targets macOS Computers
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size
Agent Received Size

Basic Inventory (Initial, Unix/Linux)

This scheduled task triggers Unix/Linux agents who have not already sent basic inventory to send it for the first time.

Privilege Manager for Linux/Unix and Windows for servers is End of Sale/Renewal only.

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform Basic Inventory (Unix/Linux)
Triggers Daily at 10:00:00 AM
Upon task creation/modification
Targets Unix/Linux Computers
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size
Agent Received Size

Basic Inventory (Unix/Linux)

This scheduled task triggers Unix/Linux agents who have already sent initial basic inventory.

Parameter Value
Default Active Yes
Command Perform Basic Inventory (Unix/Linux)
Triggers Daily at 10:00:00 AM
Upon task creation/modification
Targets Unix/Linux Computers
Conditions None specified by default
Advanced Allow task to be run on demand
(missed) Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
Stop the task if it run for longer than 5 minutes.
(retry on failure) Not set by default
Rule Default (Do not start a new instance)
Agent Sent Size
Agent Received Size