Computer Name Pattern Collections

If you have specific patterns of computer names that you wish to target, create a query-based collection using the Computers by Name Patterns Query. This collection can then be used within Computer Group definitions. The query uses SQL wildcard characters in the search to create a custom collection based on the results.

For example, if a company has their computer resources around the globe set up to have geo location references like EU, AS, US, etc. as a pre- or postfix, collections can be created for all machines in either Europe, Asia, or the United States based on those characters in the computer names.

The query for creating a custom data collection is Computer by Name Pattern Query, which is available for macOS, Unix/Linux, and Windows collections.

Creating a Computer Name Pattern Collection Query

These queries are dependent on the admin role a user might have. Privilege Manager Administrators can create new collections on the Collections root level. Privilege Manager macOS, Unix/Linux, or Windows Administrators must select the OS specific folder from the Collections tree.

  1. Navigate to Admin | Resources and select the Resource Filters tab.

  2. From the Resource Filters tree, select Collections.

  3. Click Create.

  4. From the Template drop-down, select Query Collection.

  5. Enter a name and edit the description to better identify the purpose of the resource you are creating.

  6. From the Query drop-down, select Computer by Name Pattern Query.


  7. Click Create.

  8. Select Filter Definition.

  9. In the Computer name patterns field, enter one or more comma-separated computer name patterns.

    For example, EU-%,%123,SRV-%01

    • would select all computers that started with EU-,
    • include all computer names that end with 123,
    • and all that start with SRV- but must end with 01.
  10. Click Save Changes.

  11. Select Membership.

  12. Click Update Membership to immediately run the Collection and Resource Targeting Update task. This task is assigned to a shared schedule "Collection Update", which runs every 15 minutes by default.

Using the Query for a New Computer Group

To create a new computer group using the new custom collection query, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Computer Groups, click Create Computer Group.

  2. From the Platform drop-down select the targeted platform for your new group.

  3. Enter a Name and Description for your new computer group.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Under Filter Rules, click Add Rule to add another rule (leave the existing platform-based rule at the top). For the new rule, specify for:

    1. Operation drop-down, select Only Keep Computers in.
    2. List Type drop-down, select Collection.
    3. Selected Items drop-down, select the All Managed Computers.
  6. Click Add Rule again to add another rule (leaving the existing rules in place). For this new rule specify for:

    1. Operation drop-down, select Only Keep Computers in.
    2. List Type drop-down, select Collection.
    3. Selected Items drop-down, select the Computer Name Pattern Collection Query you created above.


  7. Click Save Changes.