Understanding Entitlements and Licenses

PRA concurrent user licenses entitle users on that tenant to connect to remote systems using PRA . Each concurrent user license is consumed by one user when they start their first remote connection. Each user is entitled to a maximum of 4 concurrent remote sessions. The license continues to be in use by that user for the total duration of all their concurrent remote sessions until their last remote session ends. At this time the license is released for use by other users.

Additionally, each PRA concurrent user license also entitles users to limited capabilities in Secret Server (shown in the Vendor User column in the link below) and no additional Secret Server licenses are needed to exercise these capabilities. The Platform user membership-type is used to manage these entitlements. Learn more about managing Secret Server entitlements for 3rd party users in Managing Third-Party Contractors and Vendors.

Please note that PRA concurrent licenses are consumed as outlined in the first paragraph, regardless of whether a user has Vendor User entitlements or IT User entitlements in Secret Server.