
The Memberships inventory shows all the members of all the groups on your system. The members can be user accounts, service accounts, or other groups. The inventory also shows the type of access (direct or indirect) to the group.

To view the Memberships page:

From the left navigation, select Inventory, then Memberships.

Filtering and Modifying Memberships Table

By default, the Memberships inventory table is sorted by number of incidents, in descending order. To customize the table view, you can:

  • Filter the content displayed (see Inventory Filter Properties)

  • Save a filter as a Collection to be used in other parts of the platform

  • Change the sort order

  • Choose which columns to display

  • Use tags

  • Export the data to a CSV file

  • See a quick view of an entity

  • Zoom in on an entity by displaying its single-entity view

For more information about these filter and display options, see Inventories User Interface.

You can also investigate an entity in Access Explorer, by clicking , as described in Using Access Explorer.

Using Filter Options with Memberships

You can filter the results in the Memberships table with the Actor, Target, and Access filters.

  • Actor: Select Identity or Group, then click + to select an identity or group (default is all identities and groups).
    The filter properties are the same as those described in the Identities Filter row in Identities.

  • Target: Click + to select a specific group. The filters are the same as those described in Groups.

  • Access: To see entities with direct access to the group, select Yes. To see entities with indirect access, select No.
    If you select nothing, entities with both direct and indirect access are displayed.