Groups Inventory

The Groups inventory table shows all entities that grant permissions to multiple accounts. This could be an IdP group (for example, a group of engineers using the same design tools to build their product or application) or an AWS role granting similar actors the same permissions.

The Groups page displays all the groups in your organization. You can see how many groups you have, how many incidents are opened in their name, and how they are tagged.

The Groups table displays the applications in which the groups are managed, not the applications to which those groups grant access.

You can see how many groups you have, how many incidents are opened in their name, and how they are tagged.

To view the Groups page:

From the left navigation, select Inventory, then Groups.

Filtering and Modifying Groups Table

By default, the Groups table is sorted by number of incidents, in descending order. To customize the table view, you can:

  • Filter the content displayed (see Inventory Filter Properties)

  • Save a filter as a Collection to be used in other parts of the platform

  • Change the sort order

  • Choose which columns to display

  • Use tags

  • Export the data to a CSV file

  • See a quick view of an entity

  • Zoom in on a group by displaying its single-entity view

For more information about these filter and display options, see Inventories User Interface.

You can also investigate an entity in Access Explorer by clicking , as described in Using Access Explorer.

Insight into Groups Table Data

To get further understanding of the data in the Groups table:

  • In the Incidents column, click the value to see all incidents related to an Identity. The Incidents page opens with details of the first incident displayed in the right-side viewing pane. Click a different incident to see its details on the right.

  • The Origin type column displays the type of object in the system it came from, providing context about what is included in the group.

Assigning Alternative Group Names

To provide additional information to users reviewing groups, you can add an alternative name to a group by using the group's inventory. Alternative names will be seen across the platform (not just by reviewers).

To add an alternative name to a group:

  1. To the right of the group name, click the edit icon.

  2. Enter an alternative name, then click Save.