Configuring Recurring Reports

You can schedule reports to be generated and sent by email on a recurring basis, so you can receive the most relevant information directly in your inbox.

You can define reports based on the following:

  • Collection queries: The results of a collection query

  • Incidents: All changes in incidents in the last 30 days

To view the Reports page:

From the left navigation, select Insights > General Reports.

The Reports page shows the reports that are currently scheduled. When you hover over a report, you can delete, edit, or immediately download the report.

To create a scheduled, recurring report:

  1. From the left navigation, select Insights > General Reports.

  2. Click Schedule a Report.

  3. Enter a name for the report.

  4. Select the type of report to generate.

  5. Select the frequency.

  6. Enter the email addresses to receive the report.

  7. Click Create.