Importing CSV Files

Connection Manager allows the import of Connection Manager .JSON, CSV, and RDP files for local connections data.

This example is for CSV file imports.

  1. Right-click on Local Connections.

  2. Select Import.


  3. Select from the import options available based on your source file.

Import Local Connections

The following example shows what to expect when importing local connections via CSV file into your Connection Manager instance.

  1. In Step 1 of 2 of the Import process,

    1. select the file to import,
    2. specify the connection type, and
    3. select which Delimiters are used in the import file, the default is comma separated.

    import 2

  2. Click Next.

    import 3

    By default Connection Manager maps the data from the import file to field mappings for the local connection information. Any data not recognized/mapped is indicated as unmapped and duplicate mappings are highlighted red. These potential errors can be fixed prior to the import.

  3. Click Finish.

    import 4

    Each connection in the file is imported as a Local Connection. Links to informational or error reports will be displayed, but only if the import encountered errors or if it automatically mapped fields during the import.

  4. To further examine which information failed to import, click View more....

    import 5

    Connection Manager saved the connection data that failed to import in a separate Excel file. The data can be edited and the file can be used to retry the import for the remaining connections.

  5. Back in the Connection Manager UI, click OK to close the Import completed window.

Example of Step 2 of 2 window showing errors:


Field Values and Types

The CSV import file does not need to include all of the fields shown below.

Name Type Applies to Values
Connection Name (required) String RDP, SSH
Computer Name (required) String RDP, SSH
Port Number RDP, SSH 1 - 65535
Credentials Enumeration: 0,1,2 RDP, SSH 0 - None 1 - Inherited 2 - Embedded
User Name String RDP, SSH
User Domain String RDP, SSH
Password String RDP, SSH Cleartext
Desktop Width Number RDP
Desktop Height Number RDP
Auto Expand Boolean RDP TRUE FALSE Or 1 0
Color Depth Number RDP 15 16 24 32
Run As Admin Boolean RDP
Clipboard Boolean RDP
Drives Boolean RDP
Printer Boolean RDP
Smart Cards Boolean RDP
Audio Playback Enumeration: 0,1,2 RDP 0 – Use local computer 1 – Disabled 2 – Use remote computer
Audio Recording Boolean RDP
Remote Character Set String SSH
Font String SSH
Font Size Number SSH 1-72
Connection Type Enumeration: 1 - RDP, 2 - SSH 1 - RDP 2 - SSH

Desktop Size

The following combinations of Desktop Width/Desktop Height are valid (if combination is not valid, the default value is used):

//4:3 resolutions

  • 640x480
  • 800x600
  • 960x720
  • 1024x768
  • 1280x960
  • 1400x1050
  • 1440x1080
  • 1600x1200
  • 1856x1392
  • 1920x1440
  • 2048x1536

//16:10 resolutions

  • 1280x800
  • 1440x900
  • 1680x1050
  • 1920x1200
  • 2560x1600
  • 2880x1800

//16:9 resolutions

  • 1024x576
  • 1152x648
  • 1280x720
  • 1366x768
  • 1600x900
  • 1920x1080
  • 2560x1440
  • 3840x2160
  • 7680x4320

Import Completed Reports

Imports and trigger none, one, or up to two reports.

import 6

  • Successful: This report lists all objects that have been successfully imported.
  • Not imported: This report lists all objects that failed to import. The report can be used to remediate the import issue(s) and the remaining connections can be reimported.

CSV Import Differences

If you are working with Devolutions type connection .csv files, do not use the standard .csv import option. Devolutions .csv files require a different mapping scheme than standard .csv. Connection Manager only imports RDP/SSH connections from Devolutions. Imports of "Folders","Workstation", or "Domain" data returns a "Import failed. Invalid file format" message.