Command Line Arguments
The following command line arguments are supported by Connection Manager during installation only. They should not be used after installation to start the Connection Manager.
optionlocal, external
For internal authentication types, useweb.
option supports the following two values:y
You must use double quotes inside the KEYS parameter because the value of the KEYS parameter is quoted itself.
mode installation works only with Administrative privileges. If a user without administrator privileges runs the MSI with /quiet
mode, nothing happens.
If you would like to install the latest version of Connection Manager via quiet mode installation, you must first remove the previous version before installing the new one.
When installing Connection Manager via command line options to set the Secret Server URL, these options will only be applied to the first user who logs in to Connection Manager. If you would like to make them the default options, you can use the following workarounds:
Prior to their initial log in, new users need to run Connection Manager via command line with
args -ssurl "your ss url" -ssname "your ss name" -ssauth "your auth type"
Prior to their initial login, each user admin should create a file in path
C:\ProgramData\Delinea\Connection Manager\repository.dat
with the following content:
{ "$type":"Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common.Models.SecretServerRepository, Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common",
"Url":"Your SS url",
"Name":"your SS name",
If your command line parameter includes any spaces or parentheses, be sure to place quotation marks around the MSI file. An example is below.
"C:\Users\MyUser\Downloads\Connection Manager\Delinea.ConnectionManager.2.5.0.WindowsInstaller.msi" /quiet RUNCM=runCM
Pre-Configuring Vault Connections on Install
Administrators can pre-configure Delinea vault connections so that users do not have to create connections themselves when opening Connection Manager for the first time. These connections can be pre-configured in the .DAT file:
"$type": "Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common.Models.SecretServerRepository, Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common",
"Url": "",
"PlatformUrl": null,
"UserName": null,
"Password": null,
"Domain": null,
"AuthType": "Local",
"TwoFactorAuthType": "None",
"PinCode": null,
"StoreCredentialsInLocalStorage": false,
"SecretTempletes": null,
"LoadAllTemplates": true,
"Token": null,
"PlatformToken": null,
"ConnectionManagerSettings": null,
"Id": null,
"Name": "First Vault",
"Type": "SecretServer",
"IsAutoload": false
"$type": "Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common.Models.SecretServerRepository, Delinea.ConnectionManager.Common",
"Url": "",
"PlatformUrl": null,
"UserName": null,
"Password": null,
"Domain": null,
"AuthType": "Local",
"TwoFactorAuthType": "None",
"PinCode": null,
"StoreCredentialsInLocalStorage": false,
"SecretTempletes": null,
"LoadAllTemplates": true,
"Token": null,
"PlatformToken": null,
"ConnectionManagerSettings": null,
"Id": null,
"Name": "Second Vault",
"Type": "SecretServer",
"IsAutoload": false
Disabling Local Vault on Installation
Use this argument to disable the local vault on installation:
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-disablelocalvault "
Example for MacOS
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DelineaConnectionManager.pkg -target / && open /Applications/Delinea/Delinea\ Connection\ --args -disablelocalvault
Enabling/Disabling Auto Reauthenticate
This feature provides the option to configure vault reauthentication behavior in Connection Manager. Users may keep the existing behavior that automatically restarts the authentication flow or force a fresh login when their vault session/refresh tokens have expired--mimicking the existing web API behavior.
The default value is -reauthenticate y. If the value is set to -reauthenticate n, the behavior will be more similar to the web API which forces a fresh login. The -reauthenticate n option is beneficial for users who use SAML configuration through an external identity provider with a longer session/refresh length and enables audit logs to correctly generate upon logout.
Use this argument to disable auto reauthenticate on installation:
-reauthenticate n
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-ssurl """" -ss-name ""new server"" -reauthenticate n"
Specifying Custom Logo Images to Copy to the Proper Location
The paths to the custom logo files, on Windows, are as follows:
C:\ProgramData\Delinea\Connection Manager\Resources\logo.png
C:\ProgramData\Delinea\Connection Manager\Resources\logo_collapsed.png
Use these arguments to specify custom logo images to be copied to the proper location:
, -logocollapsed
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-logo ""/Library/Application Support/Delinea2/Connection Manager/Resources2/logo.png"" -logocollapsed ""/Library/Application Support/Delinea2/Connection Manager/Resources2/logo_collapsed.png"""
Example for MacOS
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DelineaConnectionManager.pkg -target / && open /Applications/Delinea/Delinea\ Connection\ --args -logo (path to logo file) -logocollapsed (path to collapsed logo file)
Example Powershell Command Line
.\Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS='"-logo ""/Library/Application Support/Delinea2/Connection Manager/Resources2/logo.png"" -logocollapsed ""/Library/Application Support/Delinea2/Connection Manager/Resources2/logo_collapsed.png"""'
The path to the custom logo files, on a Mac, is as follows:
Users/Shared/Application Support/Delinea/Connection Manager/Resources
Two files are necessary to use custom logos:
- Logo.png - 50 x 250 pixels
- Logo_collapsed.png - 50 x 100 pixels
Delinea Platform Connection
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-ssurl """" -ssname ""MyCompany Platform"" -ssauth web"
Pre-Creating a Secret Server Connection
Use these arguments to pre-create a Secret Server local or web connection on installation:
-ssurl, -ssname, -ssauth
External Browser Connection
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-ssurl """" -ss-name ""new server"" -ssauth external"
Example for MacOS
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DelineaConnectionManager.pkg -target / && open /Applications/Delinea/Delinea\ Connection\ --args -ssurl " " -ssname "new" -ssauth "external"
Example Powershell Command Line
.\Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS='"-ssurl -ssname ""new server"" -ssauth external"'
Local Connection
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-ssurl """" -ss-name ""new server"" -ssauth local"'
Example for MacOS
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DelineaConnectionManager.pkg -target / && open /Applications/Delinea/Delinea\ Connection\ --args -ssurl " " -ssname "new" -ssauth "local"
Example Powershell Command Line
.\Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS='"-ssurl -ssname ""new server"" -ssauth local"'
Internal Browser Connection
Example for Windows
Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS="-ssurl """" -ss-name ""new server"" -ssauth web"
Example Powershell Command Line
.\Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS='"-ssurl -ssname ""new server"" -ssauth web"'
Disabling Local Vault
Example Powershell Command Line
`.\Delinea.ConnectionManager.WindowsInstaller.msi /quiet RUNCM=runCM KEYS='"-disablelocalvault"'
Example for MacOS
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/DelineaConnectionManager.pkg -target / && open /Applications/Delinea/Delinea\ Connection\ --args -disablelocalvault