
There are several menu types available within the user interface:

Stack Menu

The menu at the top left of the application allows you to select File and Help.



Under File you can do the following:

  • Create new connections (RDP or SSH)
  • Create new folders
  • Delete folders/connections
  • Exit the application


The Stack menu is context sensitive so the available, displayed options depend on what is currently selected in the navigation tree or the main work area.


Under Help you can select User Guide and About:


Right Click Navigation Menu

Right clicking a folder allows you to:

  • Create new folders
  • Create new connections
  • Delete folders
  • Export and Import connections
  • Collapse and Expand Secret Server connections and Local connections

Work Area Menu

Right clicking the work area allows you to:

  • Create new folders
  • Create new connections (RDP or SSH)

In the upper right corner of Connections, Local Connections, and Secret Server Connections windows there is a search box. A normal search action will only look within the currently selected folder. This search bar will act as a global search in some cases.

Template Search

The Template Search functionality allows you to search for secrets by secret template. You can select a template from the list or type in the name of the template.

Global Search

The global search option is only available at the top-level node for a Secret Server connection, or if the Local Connections node is selected in the navigation bar. Global search is available in the top right corner of the work area and will perform a search through the entire selected connection.

For example, if a user selects the top level of a Secret Server connection and then performs a search, the search will look through the entire Secret Server connection for the value, but it will not look through the Local Connections or any other Secret Server connections. If a user instead selects their personal folder or a sub-folder within the connection, the search will be limited to only the selected folder.


Located at the bottom left of the application screen, the Configuration button allows users to set up and control various aspects of the application.