Adding Web Applications Using the Admin Portal

You can add web applications and then configure and deploy them to users in one session. Alternatively, you can add the applications to your Admin Portal Apps page and then configure and deploy them at a later time. The Status column shows the application status—see Viewing and Sorting Applications in the Apps Page. You need to configure an application and deploy it to a role before users can use single-sign-on to access it.

You can add web applications using the following methods:

  • From the Privileged Access Service App Catalog

  • Using a custom application.

Adding Web Applications From the Privileged Access Service App Catalog

The Privileged Access Service App Catalog contains an ever-expanding list of web applications ready for assignment to users. If the web application is not in the catalog, you can open a custom application in the catalog and fill in the details.

To add a web application from the App Catalog

  1. Log in to Admin Portal.

  2. Click Apps > Add Web Apps.

    The Add Web Apps window opens.

  3. Use the information on the Search tab to select the application or applications.

    See Using a Custom Application to add an application using one of the custom applications.

  4. Select the application or applications.

    Click the Add button to select one or more applications.

    You can continue to select categories and add more applications. You can add up to 30 applications in one session.

    If you change your mind, click Remove.

  5. Click Close.

    If you added just one application, Admin Portal opens the configuration window for that application. If you added more than one application, Admin Portal opens the Apps page. You click the application name to configure it. Click Help for this application for the configuration instructions.

Using a Custom Application

The Privileged Access Service App Catalog includes custom applications that you can add and fill in to add applications. Click the Custom tab to display the list of custom applications. Click the information icon associated with each template for a description.

To add an application from a template

  1. Open Admin Portal and click the Apps tab.

  2. Click Add Web Apps.

    This opens the Add Web Apps window.

  3. Click the Custom tab.

  4. Click Add for the template you want and click Yes in the confirmation window.

  5. Click Close.

    This closes the Add Web Apps window and opens the configuration window.

  6. Click Help for this application for the configuration instructions.