Configure Auth0 Open ID Connect (OIDC)

Create An Application in Auth0

The Auth0 application will allow for authentication with ALM.

  1. Sign into Auth0 or create an account.

  2. Navigate to Applications


  3. Click Create Application.

    • Provide a Name.

    • Under Choose an application type select Regular Web.

    • Click Create.



Copy Domain/Client ID/Client Secret

After the application is created, find and copy the values that will be needed during the ALM setup.

  1. Select the Settings tab.

  2. Under Basic Information, make note of the following:

    • Domain- This will be the OIDC Authority URL value during setup.

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret



Configure Settings

While in the Settings section, configure the settings that are specific to your self-hosted instance.

  1. Scroll down to the Applications URIs section and fill out the following fields

    • Application Login URI - https//{{your ALM Domain}}

    • Allowed Callback URLs - https://{{your ALM Domain}}/signin-oidc,https://{{your ALM Domain}}/signout-callback-oidc

    • Allowed Logout URLs - https://{{your ALM Domain}}/authentication/logout


  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.